Gus's Rupnow Hit and Miss Engine.

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Gus--You're not getting older----You're getting better!!!!---Brian

Hi Brian,

As of 29 August,I am 70 young. Now that the children have fled the nest,Gus and darling wife retired without money/health/marriage problem,I have the peace of mind to concentrate on improving my machining skills. The Rupnow Hit & Miss" Engine calls for multi skills.Old skills need improvment and new skills acquired. Cutting gears and honing was another skill to acquire and excelled.
Am now more confident to cut spur gears. The mitre gears will be another skill to acquire. Will monkey see,monkey do Paul's methods.

Now scratching my head,how to cut the cam on the gear wheel.Will take my sweet time.Will dry run work procedure before milling.
Gus--If you search around on this site, Chuck Fellows did an absolutely marvelous tutorial with video showing how to cut a single cam on the face of a gear using a milling machine and rotary table.
Setting up the DIY Rotary Table just to cut the cam is a big hassle.
Here's my lazy man's way but filing and finishing by hand is a must.
See foto.

Been a productive day. Stayed back for the afternoon to clarfy with the Indonesian Marina since when I owed them US$10,000 in unpaid term membership since I paid for a 20 year membership in 1995. Matter settled to Gus's satisfaction.Time 3pm.Might as well get some work done.
Pinion,gear-cam and push rod assembled and cam timing done.Did cam timing same as
See fotos



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Hi Paul,
Had to carbon copy your world best method to secure pinion gear to shaft. The Loctite is still wet.
The timing gears and cam are very expensive labour wise. Three days of goofing to get it right. All in cut four gears
to get technic right.

Tomorrow will be another easy day. Cut ignition cam and contact point support. The mopping up will be a pleasure to fiddle around.Thursday will be wreck fishing for giant groupers.Will post.

Great work done Gus. Also the fish & the crab looks great & tasty. Bon Appetit.
I see already a ton of movies on youtube for making gears , but still not understand.
Tomorrow I will leave the house too look for a other lathe. My lovely wife has too drive the car , because I may not drive with that shoulder.

Great work done Gus. Also the fish & the crab looks great & tasty. Bon Appetit.
I see already a ton of movies on youtube for making gears , but still not understand.
Tomorrow I will leave the house too look for a other lathe. My lovely wife has too drive the car , because I may not drive with that shoulder.


Hi Barry,

Gus too has fear of the unknown about gear cutting.
I got started buying a Master Cataloque from KG Gears,Japan. Bought some Module 0.75 (Metric) gears while on holidays in Tokyo.
Bought Module 0.8 and 1.0 Gear Cutter sets(8 cutters per set) from the net. Made the Dividing Head and Centre support. Was forced to cut 25T pinion gear to mesh with the
bought out gear wheel for the Webster Engine. Did messed up couple of blanks.
For the Rupnow Hit & Miss Engine,I stretched myself cut the pinion gear and
cam gear wheel. Took it as gear cutting lesson.

Having come so far,I now have no unknown to fear. Cutting the Mitre Gears
for Rupnow Engine will another "Sink or Swim". But Paul did successfully cut a pair of gears.

By next week the H&M engine should be up and running. For start up,will buy
O.S. Carb. The Hitting & Missing will come later. Running the engine is dream
come true.

If you plan to go into gear cutting. No worry. We will chip in.
Gus, the engine is coming along great, it will be finished in no time. Started mine up a couple of times today, just can't resist it.

Machining the mitre gears will be a challenge, but if you approach it slowly and don't rush you will be able to do it OK. I read Ivan Law's book about 4 times until I understood the method properly, I managed to muck up a few for a start, that's why I tried to explain it a bit easier in my article on cutting mitre gears. Once I had the method figured out, each gear only took about 30 min to machine.

Your fish and crab sure look tasty, I had soft shell crab for the first time last week when we went out for dinner, certainly different.

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Good stuff Gus---That's the way I make my cams, same as you. I must try Chuck Fellows method sometime, as it looks like the cam will have a much more professional profile if done that way. Someone pointed out to me the other day that the cams should be cut from steel, not brass, because they will wear very fast, being made out of such soft material. Thinking about it, they are not wrong, but then again I don't run any of my engines in an industrial 24 hours per day environment. Probably my brass cams will be still going strong when I am dead and buried.---Brian
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Your gears look good. I spent a lot of time learning that technique too but I'm glad I did. Before you sent me to CTC Tools I didn't want to try because of the much higher cost for cutters from other vendors.

Gus--What is going on with your sparkplug setting up on top of the cylinder head like that?

Hi Brian,

Looking for a tool and technic to do the counter bore to sink in the spark plug.
I have a solution but it looks ugly. Use a standard length Champion Z9Y which has longer stem. Just tried it.Looks ugly and does match for good looks.However may try it for initial starting up.

There are at least half dozen details to mop up.

I am enjoying this engine and the engine building hobby. Now looking at the next engine with overhead cams and valves and timing belts. Plans bought.The Nemett Lynx 15cc SOHC Four Stroke Engine.But will schedule for next year.Just wondering if I have the skill and patience to complete.Will post and ask for advice to build or no build.

Wifey boss is happy to see me at home everyday from 8am------noon and back again at 4pm. She is the first to critique my engines.
Another productive day. Made contact point support with material on hand. Cut cam. Fitted on Contact Point and condenser.
Cut two cams one of which went to the scrap bin.

Next on the list is the Carb but Gus is booked for a wreck fishing for giant groupers tomorrow. Will post catch.
Carb may take up more than Friday to complete.

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Hi Gus, I'm starting to get excited with your progress, it won't be long before we have another runner.


Hi Paul,

Should running by Friday 27. No much left to mop up. For peace of mind and user-friendly,will make a thick plywood to mount engine and wire up.
The Viton Piston Rings have yet to arrive. If not will put the C.I. Pistons which I bought from US vendor.Bet you soon as I put the C I rings the post man will come knocking on my front door.:wall::wall:

We had six strikes and brought up none. Most went back into the wreck to cut lines.:hDe::hDe:
The Carb drawing looked a wee bitty intimidating initially. Took half to morning to study drawing and come up with a battle plan.
Turned out to be quite easy to do. By noon carb body done plus another 1 hour finished up the to inlet nozzle and the
needle jet nozzle.
Carb needle will be done coming Monday. Looks like some tooling required to grind sharp end.The "Made in China" Dremel will be called upon to perform. Hopefully I won't burnt it.
Jazz up the Carb inlet with a mini funnel.Not sure this would not mess up Carb performance.
See fotos.


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The engine is ready too take off. Great work Gus.

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The engine is ready too take off. Great work Gus.


The E-bay Viton Ring supplier messed .So I may have to put in C.I. Piston Rings. Will make a thick plywood base to mount engine and wire up.
Hopefully the postman comes knocking my front door with the piston rings.

It is Saturday again tomorrow.Will have a weekend fishing.
Yes Gus--Be shure and bolt that engine down to something solid.----if it starts up you will be chasing it around your apartment. That type of carburetor depends on having a hit and miss mechanism to control the revolutions of the engine. If you start the engine with just that carb in place, and no hit and miss mechanism, be aware that there is no throttle on it, and it may rev out of control. If you are going to build the hit and miss mechanism, you're fine. If you don't plan on building the hit and miss mechanism, you need a different more complex carburetor. I have a set of plans for the more complex throttled carb that I can send you.---Brian