German Engine Forum

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Well-Known Member
Mar 12, 2008
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I thought I'd post this for those that are interested. It's a German language forum at

Take note, "THE FORUM OWNER DOES NOT WANT ANY POSTS IN ENGLISH" I can agree, understand, and sympathise with that point. However it's still a really awesome forum even with the requirement of using Google Translate. There's some very complicated and technical engine builds and most are done without using castings. Be prepared to burn up more than a few hours searching previous posts. Unfortunately you also can't view anything on this forum without joining it. But it's more than worth it. Since it's the scale stationary steam engines that interest me, That's the only sub forum I've checked so far. If you do decide to join this forum? I can promise you that your not going to be disapointed.

Hi Pete,

Joined this a few weeks ago.
Had some issues logging on and the forum owners were very helpful in getting me set up!
Just use google translate to communicate and they reply very quickly!!

The work is top notch on that site!!!!
I can see spending a lot of time just looking at the pictures!!!

Thanks for the link!!!
Also helps I can read a bit of German!!!

Hi Andrew,
I'm glad at least one person got some actual use out of my post. Yeah there is some VERY mind blowing items on that site. But for anyone else reading this? I want to again state very clearly, "THE SITE OWNER DOES NOT WANT ANY POSTS IN ENGLISH". I can understand and fully agree with his points of view. It IS a German language forum. Personaly I'm happy enough they let me join and view all those great engine builds. But don't bother using Google translate to make any posts from English to German. It ends up almost unrecognisable.

LOL, On a side note? I've been following some of your posts, PM/South Bend etc. Your quickly moving up into a machine tool whore. I'm jealous ;D You've managed to score some great equipment.

Looks interesting, but I can't seem to access any of it, other than an index.

An open forum would be nice for the folks who are not members, or who cannot become members. What is the harm in having your posts seen by everyone? Surely the posts can be that priceless that they cannot be seen by everyone. Maybe because of the plague of copying, but I would still make it an open forum. So what if it gets copied? Big deal.

The posts are permanent though, and I reserve the right to remove my posts. Too often I find that I have highjacked someone elses thread, or gotten hopelessly off-topic, or just misunderstood the question, and then posted a response that makes it obvious what an idiot I am (to those who don't already know that). I think most would appreciate being able to change or delete posts.

I believe I could learn German without too much trouble, I have had to work on projects with all German drawing and text, and you can pick it up pretty quick, expecially since the vocabulary is generally limited items we know well.

I don't even see an email address to contact anyone, so I get the idea (don't call us, we will call you).

Hats off to HMEM, Madmodder, and other open forums.
I found HMEM by browsing around trying to learn machining, and liked what I saw. I would not have joined had I not been able to see what is here first.

Keep info open-source is my motto.
It works out better for all involved, and promotes the hobby in a big and open way.

Yes You do have some valid points. However that German forum is one you have to join to see anything. I think it's worth it. The majority on that site seem to specialise in building to commerial drawings, But without using the castings. At least for the stationary steam anyway. I've learned at lot thru that site. There are some very talented people there just like here. Google translate is slow and doesn't always give the correct translation due to technical terms. But overall it's not too tough to figure things out.

Thanks Pete!
I still have some place to fill with tools!
So my tool whoring will hopefully continue
for a while as long as I find the good ones!!

I do not have a problem with the German site.
Join if you want to or don't!
They just have different rules to what we are used to.

As for google translate it works quick for me.
No problems with crazy translations yet!

I get most of the German just need help with
some words!

I really like the Stirling and vacuum motor sections!!
Very cool work!!!!

The first German sentence you must learn...

Das Leben zu kurz ist, Deutsch zu lernen.
but I like Steve's translation better...... ;D

I was able to register, I look forward to seeing what's up there.

steamer said:
An Oscar Wilde fan heh?

It's sort of frightening to admit that one of my intellectual heroes is an Irishman, and one of dubious moral character at that (or is that redundant?).

How can one not admire a guy (?) who could come up with such gems as:

The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it.

Moderation is a fatal thing: Nothing succeeds like excess.

Biography lends to death a new terror.

Only the shallow know themselves.

Bigamy is having one wife too many. Monogamy is the same.

and my personal favorite...

Of course, America had been discovered before Columbus, but it had always been hushed up.

mklotz said:
It's sort of frightening to admit that one of my intellectual heroes is an Irishman, and one of dubious moral character at that (or is that redundant?).

How can one not admire a guy (?) who could come up with such gems as:

The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it.

Moderation is a fatal thing: Nothing succeeds like excess.

Biography lends to death a new terror.

Only the shallow know themselves.

Bigamy is having one wife too many. Monogamy is the same.

and my personal favorite...

Of course, America had been discovered before Columbus, but it had always been hushed up.

Sign in my workshop. Used to see them in telephone exchanges where I worked


Alles touristen und non-technischen looken peepers!
Das machinen ist nicht fuer gefingerpoken und mittengrabben.
Ist easy schnappen der springenwerk, blowenfusen und poppencorken
Mit spitzensparken. Ist nicht fuer gewerken bei das dumpkopfen.
Das rubbernecken sichtseeren keepen das cotten-pickenen Hans in das
Pockets muss; relaxen und watchen das blinkenlichten.

Here is a link to a video of one of the steam engine builds:

That's beautiful Andrew.....can't wait to browse around myself!

pete said:
Be prepared to burn up more than a few hours searching previous posts. Unfortunately you also can't view anything on this forum without joining it. But it's more than worth it.

Before actual viewing, looks like one can burn a few hours just trying get in front door REGISTERING! ;D

I entered the typical email/name user fields up top, selected Britsh English as the language, my time zone. The country dropdown only shows: Germany, Austria, Swiss & 'not selected'. Tried 'not selected' & filling in the rest of the info, guess it didnt like the flavour of a Canadian phone number or something. Did you eventually contact a web admin or someone directly? Looks like nice stuff there, but what a rigamarole.

Yeah I ran into the same thing, so I checked off Germany instead.........It went through although I haven't been "approved" yet.

We'll see.


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