Thanks for all the good advice and feedback, everyone.
My mill (an Optimum BF20) frustrates me in that I can only make very shallow (0.1 - 0.2mm) cuts. More than this, and it starts to chatter. Having said that, I've been using it for some years now (probably about 7-8, but cannot remember...) and have done some quite heavy work on it, but it's like eating an elephant - one small bite at a time...
Interestingly enough, that huge chuck can grip a 1.0mm drill. Having worked on mainly knives, I've never been bothered with Z-axes space, but I take your point, and will seriously consider removing the swivel base (thanks for the tip, Andy). I do have a collet chuck of sorts that I use to hold the end mill cutters- it's visible in a wooden "shelf" on the wall to the right of the mill in the second photo that I posted. It only has four collets (6mm, 10mm, 12mm and 16mm), and is not of the "ER" type - that's been on my wish list for some time now...
Gear cutting - now that's opening a whole new can of worms

I've been wanting to learn how to do this for many years, but the cost of a rotary table has in the past put a damper on that - but it's really something to seriously consider in the near future (perhaps a "from Dad to Dad" Christmas present

I think that the long drills and reamers are probably quite necessary for me (but I agree, probably not for making model engines...) - I have made quite a few tools & tool holders for the lathe, and made axles and shafts for various machines, and quite a few projects required deep-hole drilling/boring. The problem (as I see it) is that the hole sizes are usually long in comparison to their diameters, and I think that it will be much easier to drill all the way through (say 120mm - 150mm deep) with say 5mm, 8mm and 10mm or 12mm "long" drills before doing the final finishing with either a boring bar or a reamer - and HSS boring bars also have their 4x diameter reach limitation, so it's either reaming or buying carbide boring bars... As an example, here's a 12mm boring bar holder that I made, mounted in my lathe quick-change tool holder
View attachment 116209
Mauro, I've heard about those, but have never tried making/using one - I do have some very good powder metallurgy steels that I used for high-end knives (e.g. Bohler M390) that would probably come close to HSS performance... guess that's one more thing to look into. Fortunately, I do have an electric furnace, and the knowledge & experience to heat treat high-end steels, and I do make bespoke wood turning "long & strong" chisels using M2 and M42 high speed steels such as this one
View attachment 116207
Again, thanks for everyone's input - keep it going