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Congrats on your FIRST runner. May there be many more. ;D ;D


Here is another great Model engineering site. No steam engines but lots of flame eater ,Internal combustion and sterling all dimensioned in metric. Jan used to have free downloads but the band width thing has caused him to stop this. He will however e -mail plans on request free of charge.
also many of his plans are on other sites and can be downloaded from them as well.
Wow. Seemed like we went from 'hello' 'I blinked' 'first runner'!
Congratulations. Great job. I'll be interested in what mill engine you pick.
Thanks all, I like spending time in the workshop so as usual it was fun building it, although frustrating doing the cylinder bore three times ;D

I nearly did it four times with the same mistake. I looked at the plans again and there is something counter intuitive about that drawing the makes you want to put the holes the wrong way around from the bore.

Next time I will start to think of it as one of my regular things. Usually everything I do is carefully calculated because I dont want to write off $200-300 of material and 10+ hours of machining. Treating the engine as a quick toy had me make more mistakes in a week then I would hope to make in a lot longer time.. oh well :)

One thing I will become envious of is the smaller lathe that a lot of you have. Mine is good for what I want, it's large, 16" swing, nearly 7000 pounds but for doing a lot of small things like the model engineering it would be nice to be able to sit down and still see and work at what you are doing. I have been keeping my eye out for time to time for something smaller but $$ is a consideration at the moment.. I have been off work for 11 months so not much in the way of disposable income.

It does give me some time to do these projects though. A couple days a week I am free, the rest of the week I look after my small kids so I can't leave them alone or they raid everything and get in to trouble.. Too young to properly tell off.

Tin Falcon, I will have a look at that site. I see another member is doing one of his horizontal engines. Just what I want to do and if the plans are metric I will be over to have a look.

It's nice that people freely talk about their mistakes here. I know more than one person who would make the mistakes and just post the final bits as if it all went 100%. Ego's are at stake I guess but the mistakes are part of it.


I thought about suggesting that you have a smooth pin in the pivot but you figured it out on your own the other thing I have done is put a brass sleeve or pain bushing in the pivot hole then the screw catches on the sleeve. Being out of work that long is tough I have done it was able to fill in with sporadic day work here and there a bit. But no fun.
Enjoy your time with the kids before you know it they will be 20 years old and driving and will have given you a few gray hairs. DAMHIKT
The grass is always greener on e other side of the fence a lot of us here wish for a larger lathe. I guess we all need to be thankful for the lot that was cast upon us and make the best with what we have and make the most of each day as it comes.
metalnwood said:
I put it back together and gave it a run. I little tinker with the spring tension and it's now a runner ;D

Thats one under my belt hehe.. Now to find some good plans for a horizontal factory/mill type engine.

Congrats's on your successful build! :bow:

Can ya please slow down a bit, your making me real nervous! ;D

All kidding aside, that was surprisingly quick.

Take a look at Elmer's #41 Factory Engine. Its a dandy and may be just what your looking for.

EDIT: I meant #41, not #42, sorry.

Great results on your first runner, Jason. Congratulations!
I watched the second video, and it runs very well, indeed.
