Thanks, everybody, for the kind words. I appreciate the comments, suggestions, and support.
I got started on the heads today. They are being made from 1 5/16" diameter x 1 1/8" long 12L14 rounds. While they aren't complicated, there are numerous holes and parts that will require fairly close tolerances. For that reason, I was careful to get them all within .001" of the correct length. I also used a file to clean up all the edges since unwanted burrs can cause errors in locating. Finally, I was careful to keep the milling machine setup blown free of chips and debris while clamping things in place.
I'll start with a 2D drawing of what the head is going to look like...
I created a center hole in one of the heads to use as a datum in locating and centering the pieces in the mill. I only drilled one head and used it each time to get the part properly located. Once in place, there was no need to change the setups for the same operation on the other two heads.
I used my thumbnail on the edge of the center finder. Once I could no longer feel the edge of the split, the part is centered, or darn close!
Here, I've moved the millng table over the correct offset from the center and drilled the holes for the head bolts, using the rotary table to evenly space them around the head.
Here, I'm locating the head to bore the hole for the valve assembly. It will be 3/8" diameter by 11/16" deep, offset from the center of the head by .150"
I'm using 3/32" pins, which just happens to be the pilot hole diameter for 4-40 screws, in two of the head bolt holes to square up the head being clamped in a v-block. People who are more patient (and probably smarter) usually make fixtures to hold multiple pieces for locating and indicating. I figured I could get buy without the extra work.
And, here's the finished hole that the valve assembly will go in to...
And a couple of updated pictures of the full engine, so far...