The wife is out of town for a week visiting friends, what to do with myself... :noidea:! Joking! ;D Went to the store and stocked up on chips, hamburger fixin's, and ice cream. Now for some serious shop time.
Back to work on the Fairbanks. Here's a couple of pictures of the paint job. I decided to try some auto touch up pain from Autozone. It's supposed to match standard auto manufacturer colors.
I found a color I like, but am less than pleased with the way it sticks. You can see in the following picture where a strip along the edge pealed away.
I had considered stripping the whole thing down and starting over with another paint, but instead I'm going to reassemble the engine and touch up where I need to.
I'm also replacing the SHCS that I was using for head bolts with studs and nuts. I looked high and low for 4-40 all-thread to make the studs and nobody but the local hobby shop carries them... and they were sold out! I find it amazing that Home Depot and Lowes will sell you a refrigerator or clothes dryer, but don't carry 4-40 all-thread. :rant:
Since .110" round rod is also difficult to find, I hit on the idea of using nails. I found some finishing nails in my stash that were just a few thou too big so it's easy enough to trim the ends down and thread them with a 4-40 die.
These are the nails with the heads cut off. Next, I'll cut them to length and thread both ends.