Well-Known Member
Gus, new slide will be so much handier, great job.
Very nice Gus,why dont you now make a new fishing tackle box
and then you have gone a complete circle.I have always had a love
for mixing woodwork and metalwork,
Gus, I make boxes the same way as Barry, 4 sides and the bottom and lid made from ply glued on, sand the outside and then cut the lid off with a slitting say in my mill. This way the lids have a nice lip all around.
Gus, we had our grandson all day yesterday, what a handful, and to top it off he has started toilet training. Thank goodness he still has an afternoon sleep, as we need the rest as well. It's great to have him to ourselves for the day, but we look forward to mum coming to pick him up after work.
Hi Gus,the secret to making good boxes is to make a complete sealed box first
Make your sides and glue BOTH top and bottom on.Leave the lid and base slightly oversize and sand down all nice and neat.Then cut around the box
in the correct location to suit lid and box depth.Lightly plane the cut edges and fit hinges etc.Voila a perfectly formed box and lid identical in size and shape.Ive been
doing it that way for years.Works a treat,give it a try Your bandsaw should work quite well Regards Barry
Gus, I make boxes the same way as Barry, 4 sides and the bottom and lid made from ply glued on, sand the outside and then cut the lid off with a slitting saw in my mill. This way the lids have a nice lip all around.