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What about turbine's rpm?
My spreadsheet says that for your design parameters (pressure, rotor diameter, etc) and pure impulse operation your optimal speed will be about 70,000 rpm.Hi Deltic. No problems. Pressure gauge FED 100psi. Red line 30psi. I am delighted it runs! The guy that made it died from cancer before runningnit, so I only know rumours of what he built, without dismantling it to see. Rotor is about 65mm diameter. Without getting too technical. Bearing are second-hand so turbine gets noisy at speed on compressed air. So it needs a service. But should I buy replacements steel or high-speed ceramics? No idea till I get the boiler at its best and see what can be done with the turbine. Final burner design may be about 4 kW instead of the temporary one at 3kW. But the boiler design cannot be certified over 30psi anyway. I may be able to add a decent superheater , but that would be next winter. Next show day end of month.
<snip> But should I buy replacements steel or high-speed ceramics? <snip>
Apparently full sized turbines have drains, so I'd just add one.I've had pretty good luck buying and using cheap, all-ceramic bearings, on eBay; the size I often use is 608 (8 ID x 22 OD x 7 W mm). This size is often advertised as an upgrade replacement for skate boards, which makes them easy to find and cheap. Most of these bearings I've received have been a bit loose, but the looseness goes away when lightly loaded axially. Tesla turbines have no axial loading, so most any bearing will work.
BTW, thanks for all the videos !! Nice to see a running Tesla turbine![]()
The drain hole you installed seems to work well for your turbine; I'm now wondering if I'll encounter the same issue with condensate, or will the six nozzle arrays, equally spaced around the circumference, be sufficient to "blast" the condensate into small enough droplets such that they are more easily pushed out the axial exhaust? Time & testing will eventually provide the answer, but for now, my focus is on building my tiny 9-piston feed pump.
My spreadsheet assumes that the steam doesn't condense, it just expands isentropically through the nozzle, staying at the saturation point. Kind of an idealised scenario, but not far off the mark practically because turbines usually cannot tolerate too much condensation without damage. It also assumes that the turbine is adiabatic (no heat losses to the environment) which is approximately true with appropriate lagging.Just a couple of questions re: to help my understanding of what is going on inside the turbine:
N1000 - I think your spreadsheet may be interesting - if you can share a screenshot - or something?
1: Can it manage Toymakers combined Impulse and Tesla design?
2: Latent heat during conversion of pressure steam to high velocity steam jet, and loss of heat due to momentum transfer to rotors: I tried to imaging what is happening "inside" the steam.. both thermodynamically, and where the energy goes... And I don't understand what is going on: I.E. The steam with Temperature and pressure and no velocity, has "enthalpy" (potential energy within the gas) - (PLEASE correct me where I am wrong. I failed this at university!):
So when it passes through the nozzle, the enthalpy converts some energy to kinetic energy of the jet stream... I.E. pressure and temperature drop.
As the jet stream slows - because some kinetic energy transfers to the rotor - the steam can start to condense to water vapour, releasing the latent heat of vaporisation in the process (?): the mass flow stays constant , except for maybe in the boundary layer water vapor that gets flung off radially when droplets adhere to discs? - So that is lost kinetic energy? But is the latent heat transferring energy from the steam to kinetic energy because that kinetic energy is being extracted by momentum exchange to the inner zone of the rotor - to maintain the wet steam gas dynamics in the turbine? - IF this is the case, then I can see the latent heat of condensation being partly used by momentum exchange to discs, and partly lost as condensate is shed from the discs.
Can the spreadsheet add anything to this hypothesis? - Or is it all just junk in my head..? (there is a lot in there!).
That s why I see superheating as an efficiency improver - there is less condensate lost through being flung off the discs. But then is the latent heat being lost?
I can see how a condenser creating vacuum helps by increasing the pressure difference across the turbine - hence more kinetic energy can be extracted - and, if a condenser is fitted, the condensate drains from the rotor chamber should be connected to the condenser pressure chamber.
A condenser also enables hot water to be re-cycled into the boiler.... - which, I guess, is Toymaker's plan anyway.
There's another rather important principle governing fluid flow within a Tesla turbine which has yet to be discussed, that being what causes the fluid (steam, air, any gas) to flow, without turbulence, in an inward spiral pattern.
Here's how I see it: Once the steam leaves the nozzle it's forced into a circular path due to the metal walls of the casing. As the steam completes the first circle, it encounters more steam from the nozzle which is at higher pressure and velocity, which pushes the second circle steam inward. This steam stream would love go straight, but it can't because the first circle steam continues to push it into an inward spiral. Turbulence cannot occur on either side of the circle due to the close proximity of the disc walls, and turbulence cannot occur upwards because the second circle of steam is at a lower pressure and velocity than the first circle steam, and is prevented from flowing in an outward direction.
Even though the first circle steam is at higher pressure and velocity, it cannot produce turbulence in an inward direction because of Newton's first law of motion. The spiraling steam produces a continuous pressure drop from the outer circumference of the disks, radially, until it reaches the axial exits.
In other words, the centrifugal forces of the spiraling steam, which really, really wants to flow in a straight line, act as soft barriers which control the direction and expansion angle and rate of the steam stream.