Cool little vise

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Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2007
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Some time ago I ordered a Forster's "Swiv-o-ling" vise and promptly stuck it in the drawer. I'd read about it in a gunsmithing book and it sounded handy if I ever needed to tune up some little action parts.

As I've gotten down to the short strokes on the Team Build, I wanted to clean up some of my connecting rods with a file. They're tiny little parts and hard to fool with. Out came the little Swiv-o-ling and suddenly it was easy to work on them with my head loupe and needle files.

As you can see, it's basically a machinist's parallel clamp made into a vise:


I like to clamp mine down to my tool grinder's table just because it is a convenient height for me to stand and work on things.

I got mine from Midway, but an enterprising fellow could make one easily enough.

Very handy for fooling with small parts!


Hoo-ahhh, I like that one. Sigh, something else to go on the "things to make" pad hanging on my bench.
Pretty neat commerical one there Bob.

In Elmer's Engines book in the back he shows how to make 5 fifferent size parallel clamp vices. Bascially the same comcept as what you show, except his are held in a bench vise.



when i have to debur these 625 (inconel) split rings for a customer (pump manufacturer) i hold on to them with a parallel clamp and clamp the clamp on a bench vise.
Drill the top of the jaws to take 3/16 dowel pins, 20 per jaw and you'll find a hundred more uses for that little vise. Rounds and odd shapes are a snap to clamp with that simple mod.

Excellent ideas John and Steve!

I would wager we could do a thread on nothing but as many different kinds of workholding as people could come up with and it would be quite interesting.



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