Finished my Oak Bookcase and can get back to the shop. Not only am I making chips, I'm also botching up the crankcase. Blew the first one. And almost finished the second one when this happened. On the C journal, even at 28 rpm on my LeBlond (1947) Lathe and turning in the cross slide by hand a few thousandths at a time, on one revolution, it grabbed the crank and you can see the end result. :wall: My retired master machinist who is guiding me, said I could have been to slow a speed on the lathe. I also did what he suggested which was to hog out a lot of material in the journal areas on the mill before going to the lathe. You can see some of the hogout in one of the pictures. The first 2 journals were no problem at all which I hope you can see in the picture. Now with all that said, is it possible to make a crankshaft out aluminum? Possibly 7075 T6 aluminum? Also, when I tried on the first crankshaft without hogging out material in the journal area, the square nose tool would really grab the crank and would scare me half to death. Can you give me any advice on how to attack crankshaft #3 (and hopefully the last). I also posted a picture of my LeBlond.
The Learning Grasshopper
Finished my Oak Bookcase and can get back to the shop. Not only am I making chips, I'm also botching up the crankcase. Blew the first one. And almost finished the second one when this happened. On the C journal, even at 28 rpm on my LeBlond (1947) Lathe and turning in the cross slide by hand a few thousandths at a time, on one revolution, it grabbed the crank and you can see the end result. :wall: My retired master machinist who is guiding me, said I could have been to slow a speed on the lathe. I also did what he suggested which was to hog out a lot of material in the journal areas on the mill before going to the lathe. You can see some of the hogout in one of the pictures. The first 2 journals were no problem at all which I hope you can see in the picture. Now with all that said, is it possible to make a crankshaft out aluminum? Possibly 7075 T6 aluminum? Also, when I tried on the first crankshaft without hogging out material in the journal area, the square nose tool would really grab the crank and would scare me half to death. Can you give me any advice on how to attack crankshaft #3 (and hopefully the last). I also posted a picture of my LeBlond.
The Learning Grasshopper