29) I was forced out of the shop for two days. My riding buddies along with help from "Honey" convinced me to uncover my motorcycle and go riding. I don't like this flip flopping between pastimes but it was fun.
Today I made a little progress shown in the following pictures and post.
After hack sawing out the center shaft on the throw ends of the crank I clamped it in my vise using shims cut from an iced tea can. A light milling cleaned up the remaining material. After drilling for the 1/16" expansion pins they were pressed in along with Loctite.
30) Since the raw steel might eventually rust, I gave the crank a quick dip in tool black.
31) The material for the two piston rods was drilled, tapped, clearance drilled and stamped #1 and #2 on the ends that the end caps will be cut from. After cutting them off a little longer than the finished size they were milled flat and to proper height.
32) Like wise the mating cut ends on the blanks were also trued using an end mill.
33)After installing the cap ends with 2-56 screws, the 1/4" and 1/8" holes were drilled and reamed.
34) Both blanks were milled down to 1/4" width from opposite sides.
35) The piston rods are rough at this point. I used a vise stop to make the cuts to the four sides identical.Further milling on the other two opposing sides is required.
36) A simple fixture was drilled and tapped to hold down the connecting rods for the final milling. The cuts can now be duplicated on the remaining four side with reasonable repeatability, using calibrated table moves.
37) With the milling finished up a few minutes with a file to clean up the milling marks went well. If you look at a copy of the plans you will see that my piston rods are radically different from what Elmer drew up. I enjoy making changes by modifying existing designs.
Could be craziness, creativity, or laziness, who knows! :big:
38) I took a mid day break today and stopped by my favorite scrap yard. Finding some goodies made the trip worthwhile. The round spoke piece looks like it could be a flywheel casting. The find was interesting enough for me to post this picture.
The build is coming along well, with a few tough pieces ahead.