Chin up, phil. It does get better. As you mentioned earlier, you can only do so much with steam engines, and they cease to be a challenge. Internal combustion engines are a whole new world with a whole new set of challenges.
First and most obvious question, is anybody else running a Bonzer with that head configuration and sparkplug successfully
Phil--First and most obvious question, is anybody else running a Bonzer with that head configuration and sparkplug successfully. Second, and this is just speculation on my part--Have you got room to open out the combustion chamber like this to unshroud your current sparkplug? Based on what I have been able to see of your build, you should be able to do this. You will suffer a bit of a drop in compression ratio, but not enough to affect engine performance. This will greatly improve chances of igniting the incoming fuel mixture, and you don't have to change sparkplugs nor remake the head.