After some very intensive days of off road travel, with 2200 km. around the Uyuni Salar, who is the biggest salt flat in the world, located in Bolivia. This salt flat has 12.000 Km2, 160 km. length and 3650 meters of altitude.
After some very intensive days of off road travel, with 2200 km. around the Uyuni Salar, who is the biggest salt flat in the world, located in Bolivia. This salt flat has 12.000 Km2, 160 km. length and 3650 meters of altitude.
I am very enthusiastic in off road trips and fortunately in my country we have many places for motorbike travels in dessert, mountains or very green places.
This trip began in dessert in the north of Chile, then we up to the high plain in Bolivia, where the Andes are widest and extensive with a high plateau over 3500 meters, in some places exceed 4000 meters. In this condition with low temperatures deficit of oxygen you need to be very careful because any effort is very heavy.
After ride over bad roads with strong winds and sand wind, you arrive in the sunset to very comfortable hotel in the border of the salt flat. This Hotel is built completely in salt, inclusively the beds and sits are made in salt with comfortable cushions over it.
The Uyuni salar is very intensive and beautiful with low temperatures, high altitudes and in this opportunity the salt flat was covered in big extensions with about 50 mm (2 inches) of water, besides his impressive extension where you dont see his limits.
Thank you so much for telling us about your ride and the pictures of the hotel made from salt. That is the beauty of these forums, you get to learn about other peoples lives and pastimes as well as learn about their country. I would imagine that upon arriving back home a good wash down to remove salt would be one of the first priorities. :bow: :bow: