I have not had any comments for a while,is anybody out there reading this thread ?
Does anybody have any thoughts on a cross slide table,has anybody bought/used one ?
Input please dear friends,lend me your ears and voice. Bazmak
Thanks for your comments,no further progress yet so i have sidelined this project and keeping
busy with other things.Still keeping in touch with this forum but nothing of interest to share.
I have sold a couple of chess sets so may decide to make another and maybe photo/video progress
One of my interests is collecting photos of named british steam locomotives maybe i can post samples
My favourites are Gresley A4 streamlined pacifics.I remember as a schoolboy trainspotter getting in the cab
of 60022 Mallard holder of the world speed record 126 mph. Barry
Well all back again just to finish and close this thread.Now i have a second lathe up and running (Advance) and have taken delivery of my benchmill there is no need for metal turning so have stripped it down back to original ready to make wood chips of any future chess sets.This excersize has been rather pointless
but interesting and i did enjoy it.I have recycled most of the parts.The T slot table i have fitted to the sieg lathe cross slide and used it for a couple of milling ops but now i have the mill i may have a better use for it.I am hoping to turn it into an angle plt for the miil.That may be another story
I have just reread this thread to familiarize myself with what I did
Photos have been removed but are not really relevant.I have the photos and sketches to look at and the carriage is what I am interested in as the capstan carriage will be similar.So hopefully the new thread will be as successful
Hope I don't fall flat on my face.Any input or comments please post early
before I get my teeth into this. Regards barry