No Manatiba Windmill and Pump Co.
Recess in hopper is simpler as both valve stems stick out the bottom of the valve block
I searched for info on that engine (Manatiba), but found nothing.
Looks very much like a Baker.
Looking at the photos, it seems like a Baker, mounted on a base.
Water jacket cracked completely vertically.
The parting line seems to be horizontally at the bead, and the bead is almost ground off flush.
There is another photo of an almost identical engine, but the other engine has counterbalance weight inside the flywheel rim, as was done on the Galloway.
The engine you refer to as Manatiba does not have the counterbalance weights inside the rim, but has the recesses in the side of the rim.
A photo of what is definitely a restored 7 hp Monitor also has the Galloway-style counterbalances inside the rim.
Does somebody call it out as a Mantiba on fb or something?
It looks just like the 7hp Baker from the catalog, with no Galloway-style counterbalances in the flywheel.
At any rate, whatever it is, it is the only ball-hopper-style engine I recall seeing on a base.
I would make my base tall enough so that the flywheels would clear the ground.