so ive tried reading thru this and im more lost and confused than when i started.
im pretty sure im having the end problem of 1200 steps per rotation.
i changed the ine change line 'for(int i = 0; i < tm; i++)' to 'for(int i = 0; i < 1200; i++)' but...
my problems are compounded by the driver im using requiring an extra wire for enable.
i had it all figured out and moving, but in the process of trying to fix the numbers i have lost the working sketch for movement.
the scrolling is killing my wrist and the constant walking in and out from pc to shop is pissing my wife off, frustrated to the point im about to cry
china 4th axis from ebay, all the info i can get is....
Angle: 0.3 degrees / step
Reduction ratio: 6:1 (Synchronous belt deceleration mode)
Stepper motor: 2 phase nema23 stepper motor
tb6600 driver, uses enable, pulse and direction signals.
i have enable set to pin 12. enable low or high seems to do something but im not exactly sure how to use it.
if someone who actually understands this code could look at it and tell me what i did wrong i would be so happy.
i currently have it to where it hums when i try to move it, when i put in 360 degrees it says steps 1080