anyone interested in a radial team buid

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Path said:
Would the 2-56 have a head angle of 82 degrees and length of 1/4" ?
McMaster Carr #91771A104


I get mine from Microfasteners, but yes, those would be the dimensions. Any preference as to
stainless, black oxide, slotted head or phillips?

Haven't mailed any parts yet, not finished the flanges as I was awaiting a decision on the

And a progress report

Here's the flange without counter sinks....

and what the steam chest, flange, and orbital valve look like all together:

Mike: welcome to the team!

Cheers, Joe

Hi guys,

Looking forward to joining this group - I just want to give DTanner a last chance to speak up and keep his spot. Meanwhile I don't mind getting prepared to make the crankcase. Can somebody tell me if the drawings on page 12 of the downloads are the same as what you are working from? I thought I read that PATH redid the drawings? If so can a copy be sent to me?

Thanks guys - looking forward to this (I was on the fence when you were organizing and BAM! next time I checked in all the spots were taken...too slow)


Greetings Mike,
That's very considerate of you to give DTanner a chance to respond, and I hope all is well with him. I'm sure the team is glad to
have someone to make the crankcases. PATH did a great job of redrawing the original metric prints and they should be available
from him. Welcome to the team, You can never have too many Mikes.

A.K.A. Mike
Mike R

wEc1 to the team. :D

PM me with your email address and I will send you all the drawings I have thus far.

More later ;)


Very nice looking parts ... this is going to be one nice looking and operational engine. :bow:

joe d said:
Any preference as to stainless, black oxide, slotted head or phillips?


I prefer SS phillips for the flange screw (that's because I have a bunch! :D)

Update ... well I was hoping to get the pistons out today.
But my setup didn't work so I scrapped out 4 pistons at stage one.
Couldn't even get off the ground. :wall:

So I'm resetting up and will try again :idea: ... this just can't be that hard.

Mike your drawings will be emailed in a few hours, need to update them a little.


Hi All,

Ok, I've received the drawings from PATH (excellent work Pat - very easy to read now), so I'm on the same page as you guys.

There is some discussion on changing the M2 screws that attach the port flange (21) to the crankcase to 2-56. I have no problem doing that.
PATH also suggested I not drill those holes and that everybody use the port flange as a drill guide as the tolerance for being out on a countersink is far less than if it were a simple shoulder. Opinions on leaving those three-M2 (now 2-56) holes undrilled / tapped? I will be doing the "portal view" operations on my CNC mill but that does not guarantee that I'm not off some small amount due to setup error (I'll need to get the center of the hole the port flange sit in)

Just to let everyone know - I will do my best to work at a good pace on this but I'm expecting it to take me 2-3 weeks to complete, ie I may be using time off between Christmas and New years to finish up. Hopefully not and I'm done before then but I could end up travelling for work for a few days and that really eats into the shop time.

Mike Ross said:
Hi All,

PATH also suggested I not drill those holes and that everybody use the port flange as a drill guide as the tolerance for being out on a countersink is far less than if it were a simple shoulder.



I really like that idea, that way all the flanges will fit perfectly and it will look like I'm some sort of machinist! :big:

Cheers, Joe
yes that all sounds good, and as for taking a few weeks to finnish well thats the least anyone could expect. So were a little off the hoped for completion date its not the end of the world.

Oh and welcome aboard,lets see if we can build a potty!

(I will pm all your address too)

I wrote an e-mail to Daniel Tanner at his Yahoo address last week when I was looking to join. I received a response yesterday from his e-mail written by a friend of his. Rather than paraphrase here it is:

Mr. Ross,
My name is Robert, I am a close friend of Daniel and he provided me with the information needed to acess his account. He recently suffer a serious heart conditoin and was in the hospital for the past month. He is back at home and is doing well but it would be best to have someone else replace him. He said to let you know that he is extremely embarresd that he can not complete the project he was so looking forward to it. If there is anything else that I can do for you just sned and email to this address I will be checking it for him every few days.


Needless to say that I have responded that there is absolutely no cause for embarrassment and our thoughts are with him, wishing him a speedy recovery.



Thanks for your efforts in contacting Mr. Tanner, it was a very nice gesture. I'm sure we all feel better
knowing he is recovering and approves of be replaced. Once again, welcome to the team.

the other Mike
Mike R.

Second the thanks for contacting him and for the information ... glad to hear that Dan is progressing well. Thm:

Hope that he will be part of a team in the future.

make a good recovery :)

so we still build a engine for Mr Tanner too? plus one extra for the guy that jumped in to replace Mr Tanner?
ok rather than haveing to make an extra piece we can use the auction parts for Mike (if that makes it easier)
That way we can still send tanner the parts

Is that a good Idea?

I do hope tanner recovers ok

Chris Sounds good .So far every on has an extra part so we may be able to do both . Guess we will have to wait and see now everyone is doing on their parts and go from there. Thank everyone I am sure Tanner will be very happy . Dale