anyone interested in a radial team buid

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A good clearance size for the 2mm screw is 2.1mm to 2.2mm, Countersink angle is 90 degrees
and c'sink size is about 4.5 mm. The reference to 8BA is from Stew's original drawing.

Has anyone else received the crank set? Has anyone else posted any parts out yet?
warranator said:
Has anyone else received the crank set? Has anyone else posted any parts out yet?

I got mine ... looking good. :bow:


By the way any comments.. ???
Path said:
... the holes for the tubes are about .120" but the tubes OD are
.125" (as expected) I opened mine up to .125" so now they slip through.
Should do them all that way or leave it to the builders? It's very easy to do just looking for
a preference. ??? ???
I don't mind opening mine up or you can do it if you are doing them anyway.
warranator said:
Has anyone else received the crank set? Has anyone else posted any parts out yet?

yeah got the crank and return. looking very good.

Got the crank and return, very nice job. I double checked the rods and found some burrs in the big end , a quick swipe with a reamer
and they fit great. Confirmed the fit of the collet and nut as well. Trying to finish the flywheels.

Happy Thanksgiving all.
I recieved my crank today and they look Great

I am just puttung some finishing touches on the bearing cases and will then mail them next week.

Now I have been trying to contact dtanner with no luck. Has anyone heard from him??

Well I have still not got a reply so as per a suggestion from another,

I am going to OPEN up the spot for the crankcase if someone out there would like to come aboard. (Unless someone already on the build has an objection)

If you would like to join please speak up now.

I second this suggestion. If anybody out there is interested in making the crankcase for the 3 cylinder radial potty then please feel free to join our team build. As far as it looks this is the only part missing so you will come in at a good time knowing everything else has been made or being made.

Plans are in the download section on page 12.
Got the crank set in the mail yesterday, looking good!

I have another question regarding the mounting screws for the port flange:
I have had exactly NO luck attempting to get a 90ocountersink
in the greater Montreal area... since the crankcases have not been made yet
can we change this to a 2-56, and I`ll include the screws with the flanges..

joe d said:
I have another question regarding the mounting screws for the port flange:
I have had exactly NO luck attempting to get a 90ocountersink
in the greater Montreal area... since the crankcases have not been made yet
can we change this to a 2-56, and I`ll include the screws with the flanges..


Sounds like a plan.

Would the 2-56 have a head angle of 82 degrees and length of 1/4" ?
McMaster Carr #91771A104


Hi Chris,

I took a look at the drawings and I should be able to make the crankcase. My only question is - have the others mailed their parts out already? If so how does this work out for a late commer to the party?

chrispare said:
If you would like to join please speak up now.

I think only two people have sent out their parts (warranator and dale), would have to get confirmation from the other guys. I made a couple of extra parts so I have another set I could post out and I would think Dale has also got an extra set of his parts.
for the few that have already mailed out if a newcomer was to come in hopefully they would be able to make another. Hopefully they will chime in here