anyone interested in a radial team buid

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The Cylinders are almost done ... need to machine the 10 degree slope and clean up a bit.

Now about the pistons ... I would like to make them out of something other than Cast Iron.
Cast Iron is so messy, I was able to clean the lathe but would not like it in my CNC mill.

What would be a good alternative? 12L14, Bronze or maybe Aluminum or even 303. 8)

Should be able to get them out next week. ;) ;)

Chris ... got the addresses ... thanks. Who is making item #8 the Gudgion?

Path said:
The Cylinders are almost done ... need to machine the 10 degree slope and clean up a bit.

Now about the pistons ... I would like to make them out of something other than Cast Iron.
Cast Iron is so messy, I was able to clean the lathe but would not like it in my CNC mill.

What would be a good alternative? 12L14, Bronze or maybe Aluminum or even 303. 8)

Should be able to get them out next week. ;) ;)

Chris ... got the addresses ... thanks. Who is making item #8 the Gudgion?


I take it that you are refering to the pin that holdes the piston to the rods?
It was over looked on my part so if you wanted to do them with the pistons ?
Hi Pat

Path said:
Now about the pistons ... I would like to make them out of something other than Cast Iron.
Cast Iron is so messy, I was able to clean the lathe but would not like it in my CNC mill.

What would be a good alternative? Pat

you could give A thought to using ZA27 Alloy for the pistons - excelant low friction bearing on steel.

Chris ...

Sure ... I will make 15 for the 5 sets (Cylinders, Liners and Pistons). ;)

The balance ... hopefully T_Ottoboni will make.

Bez ...

Thanks for the suggestion.
AZ27 really looks to be much better. But so far I haven't been able to find a source.
I did find some ingots but I don't do castings! ::) ::)

A friend of mine says Aluminum will work just fine for this application, but I
think I will won't use that. I'll see if I have enough 12L14 or Bronze since I have both in stock.

Mike ...

Did you ream the 4mm hole for the Con Rods?

I'm making the Wrist Pin (#8). I'm thinking about getting some 4mm Drill Rod (A2) which
has a tolerance of .013mm.


I did ream the hole 4mm which is .1575 in. A .157 gage pin fits nice and smooth, a .158 pin will not fit.

I have no 4mm pins or drill rod to check the fit. I can send your set of rods to you to check the fit if you

want. I'm busy with customers work at the moment and hope to

get to the flywheels by the end of the week.

Mike ..

That would be great. :)

I guess you have my address.


Path said:
Chris ...

Bez ...

Thanks for the suggestion.
AZ27 really looks to be much better. But so far I haven't been able to find a source.
I did find some ingots but I don't do castings! ::) ::)


Hi Pat

Wish I could find someone round here that would sell me a couple of ingots of ZA27.
a 700 kg pallet is the smallest batch on offer.

So I have to mix my own. At least I know whats in the brew :big:

Stew ...

I am almost finished with the Cylinder assembly :) :) and started looking at the Piston/Con Rod assembly.

It looks like the Con Rods will not fit into the Piston ??? . The 9.46mm square and the 3mm radius cause an interference.

In looking at your build log reply #112 picture 3 ... it looks like the square is larger and the radius is outside the square.

Can you take look and maybe comment on what was changed?

My thoughts would be to increase the 9.46 square a little (the amount to be determined) and machine a radius at the four corners ... in short
follow the picture.

T_ottonic ... I would hold off making your Pistons until this is resolved.

Thanks Stew :)


OK Pat got your message I'll have a look through my stuff, and get back.

Ok Pat had a look through my stuff and rewound my memory banks.

It looks like I did what you are suggesting :-

My thoughts would be to increase the 9.46 square a little (the amount to be determined) and machine a radius at the four corners ... in short
follow the picture.



I can also remember adding a small radius to the end of the con rods.

I tend to work to a fit and don't always capture what I did, for a one off this won't matter but for a multiple build it does:- ask Mr Ford.

Hope this helps

Bin following along and its a real impressive what you guys are doing.

:bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow:

Stew ...

Thanks for your input ... I also don't always document my project changes! ;D

I will do a few drawings changes to see what needs to be done ... getting
my Con Rods in a few days. That way I will be able to test them out.

Mike ...

Thanks for sending them ... looking forward to trying them out. :)

Is it possible to get an update on what parts have been made and what we are waiting for.
warranator said:
Is it possible to get an update on what parts have been made and what we are waiting for.

I have:
10 Steam chest cover - 100% complete
15 Cylinder Liners - 100% complete
15 Cylinders - 60% complete
15 Pistons - 20% complete (production halted for plan review)
t_ottoboni ...

Wow you are really moving along. 8)

What material are you using for the pistons. I'm still undecided. :-\

I've made some progress on the Piston / Con Rods issue. Once I get Con Rods I will
make a few Pistons to see if the assembly goes together without too much filing. ;)
Hopefully the issue will be resolved early next week.

Can you pick up the Wrist Pin ... need 15 but should be easy to make? I'll be doing 15 to match my 15


10 crank shaft 100%
10 return crank 100%

Was supposed to mail them on Wednesday just past but will mail on Monday 7 November.
Path said:
t_ottoboni ...

Wow you are really moving along. 8)

What material are you using for the pistons. I'm still undecided. :-\

I've made some progress on the Piston / Con Rods issue. Once I get Con Rods I will
make a few Pistons to see if the assembly goes together without too much filing. ;)
Hopefully the issue will be resolved early next week.

Can you pick up the Wrist Pin ... need 15 but should be easy to make? I'll be doing 15 to match my 15


I was planning to use cast iron for the pistons, the same i used for the liners. Is there any problem using the same material for both? If so, I think I could use aluminum or brass (maybe fosforous bronze too).
For the wrist pin, is it ok if i use shafts scavenged from old printers? They would be like 3.95mm, so they'll slide nicely in reamed holes in the con rods.
I would prefer aluminium pistons. The shafts from the old printers would probably work quite well.