Hi again Brian.
I can't remember the sice of the O-ring, but it,s in metric. I converted the Webster to metric, you know it's easier here on this side of the pond ;D.
But I do remember I had to stretch the O-ring a little to have it fit right. After some hours runtime on it I still have the same good compression. But you have to have a near polished bore in the cyl. or else I think it will wear out the o-ring after a while me-think :shrug:
I will have a look at the OS-carb. to morrow and let you know.What I am certain of is that it is a barrel-type with a airblead port for easier adj. of the idlingspeed, I think you can use any carb. of this constructsion as long as it have the right barrel-bore, I will messure the bore to morrow. To be honest my good neighbor who is running RC-plains gave it to me so I I'm not sure what the OS parts no. is.
Until tomorrow......
Best regards