Thanks for the comments guys I know I do the same read a lot and post occasionally.
But some times it just seems awful quite you start to wounder if any one is even interested and if you are just wasting time trying to document the build stopping and taking pic and yes I know my picture are not very good. I'm not so good with a camera. Any way here is what I accomplished today.
Turned up some collars that will be pressed into the main mounting plate to help mount and hold power cylinders in position.
Collar pressed into position
Ok parts completed now for the connecting rods.
Cut up some .062 aluminum stock to width.
Setting parts in vise to mill lengths.
Note most of you more than likely already know but I'll mention anyway.
If you look at the left side of vise you will see a spacer block you always need to have something on the opposite side of vise close to the same size that you are clamping. Other wise the movable vise jaw will kick out at an angle and essentially you will only be clamping on the corners of whatever you are clamping. I've seen people do this and then clamp the hell out of the vise to try and get their part to stay and not move while milling. (just though I would mention it)
Suppose to be 1.803,
1.804 close enough for me.
Drilling journal holes and lightening holes.
All hole drilled.
Setup for milling the taper in rod.
Part completed going to call it a day.
I believe I only have 4 major parts left power piston displacer rod and bushing and finish up the fly wheels.
Cool I should be able to have them running next week end.