Those rings will last a very long time, and will hold up under load too.
Congrats. Very nice.
Congrats. Very nice.
Hi Brian,
I'm sorry I did not know you had no access to Trimble articles, so having a full copy of SIC I have copied all the article and put them on 2 PDFs for you.
Hope this helps you overcome your difficulties with the rings. Frances Washburn was suppling copies but the web site is not working so maybe she is no longer able to continue. If you have any questions give me a shout. Cheers John. These files are the basic Trimble method that I follow however the full Trimble description is more detailed in many issues. J.
EDIT: The "Strictly IC" article attachments had to be deleted as they are still under copyri8tht. The "Strictly IC" website is till active. The link to the back issue order form is: HMEM
"Happy Birthday" Brian your now as young as you will ever be so have a great one. John-Every once in a while, I run into something that I don't think I'm going to be able to do.---and that worries the Hell out of me. I've always been the man who can do anything, and I hate to think that there is something that has defeated me. I'm happy that I was able to finally get some workable rings and a "process". Not bad for a "geezer". I'll be 75 this Wednesday.