2 Cylinder Steam Engine

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I am really happy with the accuracy I am working to. Slowed down alot with lots more measuring.

That is one of the secrets of this game, if more people did it, we would see vast improvements in some of the work being shown, or not being shown because of bad workmanship.

There are no prizes in this hobby for finishing first, so why rush things?

Not only will you be able to enjoy making it for longer, but you will get a lot more satisfaction because you are getting it right first time.

Don't get me wrong, even the very best machinists make mistakes, just a lot less of them, which you should be aiming for.

Coming along very nicely indeed.


Finally managed to press in some cylinder sleeves :)

Lapped to 18mm both within 0.003mm of each other 8)

From the inside

Cut exhaust port and lowered deck to final height.

Machined cylinder ports and drilled from outside into the exhaust port.
Block is nearly done :)
nice one Mate :)
keep em coming
Got some done over the weekend after building a motor mount bracket for an old industrial sewing machine after the cast one snapped during unloading from a trailer and repiring a faulty generator. For my troubles I recieved a bench mounted sandblasting cabinet which I am going to modify into a vapour blasting cabinet. Back to the engine.

Pistons turned up

Need something to hold them to the crank.

This is the second piece for the conrods. I originally had a hunk of bronze (super hard) which ate a 2.5mm drill and would not spit the broken bit out :mad:. That has made it to the melt pile. Had a go with some brass.

One nearly done

Both fitted to big end just need some final fitting to crank and some profiling on the little end. Making conrods is not the most fun task. I think these will be remade one day :-\. Have an extra day off work this break so I may get more done before going back to work.
Thanks for looking in.

Had some more time in the cave over the last few days

Made up a mandrel to hold the rods while some machining was done on the big end cheeks. Then milled the sides down a bit thinner.

Been seeing filing buttons a bt lately so I thought I would give it a go, very handy and quite quick. I did use the belt sander to get rid of alot before filing. Didn't bother hardening them. Put everything together to see if it would turn. Took a video of result
http://s1080.photobucket.com/albums/j325/brockster13/Steam engine/?action=view&current=MOV001.mp4
<embed width="600" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullscreen="true" allowNetworking="all" wmode="transparent" src="http://static.photobucket.com/player.swf" flashvars="file=http%3A%2F%2Fvid1080.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fj325%2Fbrockster13%2FSteam%2520engine%2FMOV001.mp4">
I am fairly happy but I think there is a loose little end in there.
Well one of my video links worked. There is no rings in there yet but it seals quite well, I am going to try some acetal for rings. After the success of pistons moving up and down with no violence I was keen to make a start on the valve chest. I was going to cast a bronze one but the god of rain said no. Sticking to the original plan and use ali bolted to a steel plate.

Plate marked out ready for drilling

Plated drilled and valve chest block squared up. Just nedd to put in the steam ports aftr finding the diameter of number 26 and 28 drills.
Thanks for looking in
I like the filing button trick and might try it myself in the next few days :)
I have been in my shed all weekend, got lots done.

Valve slots were drilled then filed

Underside of valve plate ground out to aid flow, used a dremel.

The beginning of a valve chest, holes all spotted from valve plate.

Spotting chest cover plate

Valve chest attached with countersunk screws.
More pics coming.

More pics

Drilling block spotted from valve plate

My cheap and cheerfull tapping guide/ drive dog

Chest on, nearly looks like an engine.


Stainless gland will squash an o ring

Gland, rod and chest together


Squaring up with 3 jaw. Worked fine.

Valve drive support beginning

More filing buttons
Still more to come

Collection of parts

Modifying a cheap clamp. Got 5 of these clamps for $9.99. Good for a while, throw away item.

Good for holding round now. Drilling the valve drive disc.


Little bit off but nothing that can't be fixed. Looks pretty I reckon

That is a TIG weld on a 4mm shaft. I am no expert they are qute an easy machine to use on steel. Ali is a different story.

3mm drive pin weld in. No distortion from welding. Everyone should try a TIG on steel you will be suprised at the results.

Had an idea for grinding out the valve block using a dremel grinding stone. Come out real good but is not really fast.

Valve block inside the valve chest. Just need to conect the valve rod to the drive disc and turn a flywheel. Fingers crossed it should work. Back to work tomorrow so nothing for a week :'(. Thanks for looking in
Looking great Brock. I'm picking up heaps of useful tips on the way :bow:
It has run in anger and nothing died :) Trying to upload a video. Soon
Can you here me starting to burn up
Finally got the silly button to work. Need to put everything on the back burner now as I have to empty my shed, tear it down and install a new bigger one.

What do you think of the first run?
Hi Brock
congrats on first pop :bow:
well done mate that thing does scream :big:
Nice runner, Brock. Gotta be satisfying to take it from scrap to a nice, running engine!

It was great seeing this one come together, especially the cylinder sleeves. That thing screams!

Thanks for the nice comments after the shed build I will make a nice mount for it, probably some bed mout so it looks like it can go in a boat. Also need to adjust the valve timing a bit as it takes a bit to get it to turn over. No machining for me for a while. Next build will be a shed thread.


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