Long time since I made springs for Nortumbrian Small Pipes and longer sincer I repaired a Simple System B flat Clarinet- a Hawkes before they got Boosey( English joke).
So the choices are- Piano Restorers. We have a 1911 7/8th Bluthner Grand Piano
If you had been in North East England, I'd have gone for some from the guys who did ours up.
The second is Ferees Tools in the USA somewhere. I've got their overhaul book- somewhere.
The third is a decent orthodontist or failing that, a dental mechanic. Wife is a retired consultant orthodonist whilst my daughter is one now.
Apart from these, scrap type writers and printers. I have the drawings( somewhere) of an automatic graduating machine.
Hope there is something suitable?
Oh and model shops- I'd forgotten that I built airplanes