And this is how I did it!
You want to put a thread on a part.
The compound is set over to 29°,
The dial on the compound is set to zero
The dial on the cross slide is set to 0 . All is ready to go.
You advance the compound by .010
You make the first pass and stop the lathe.
You retract the cross slide a turn or so and reverse the lathe.
For the second pass: You advance the compound by 005
You set the cross slide back to 0 .
What 0 Wait, did I reverse one turn or two. I have to remember!!!
That is where this part comes in. If you set it up as in the next picture
You will be able to go back to the once set zero but you can reverse the hand wheel
1, 2, 5 or umpteen times but go back to the starting zero with out counting.
Instant stop on zero. No counting. No looking.
Now you do the second pass.
And so on and so an.
Second picture:
Internal stop for when you have to turn multiple parts to the same length.
The front piece can be exchanged to fit the part in need.
In my case the length between shoulder and shoulder on a spindle is important.