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Other than 15 lbs., could you give us a general description of the size & shape? That would give us an idea of what the shipping would be and if we could figure out a use for it.

Thanks, Charlie
I used to go to Schnitzler's steel and recycling and go thru their brass bins. I found all kinds of
helpful material. Made some brass bushings and mini wheels for various and sundry things.
Now no one is allowed buy anything from their scrap bins!!! Fortunately, I've acquired enough
brass to keep me busy for a while. One time I found several brass hex shafts/rods in the scrap.
There was a dozen or so, about a foot long and various sizes, like 3/16 diameter to 1/2 diameter.
Very great find!!!
Today was in home doc visit . It went very well no issues . Friday is bone biopsy. Then blood test in a few days these are not in home but still not too difficult just a big needle stick the bone biopsy can be a bit fearsome generally painless but watching the doc twist the special core drill in your femur leg bone is a bit disturbing . The last one I had the doc use something that looked like a tee handle Allen wrench. Watching him screw that into your leg was traumatic . I asked why he didn’t just use a cordless drill ? I didn’t get a good answer just @ that are you crazy too” look LOL ITS ACTUALLY A CORE DRILL THEY POP THE CORE OUT FOR EXAMINATION AND TESTING . I hope they knock me out this time I don’t thing I could handle this again.
Eel bone biopsy is done. Most certainly not the most comfortable medical thing. They numb you up with lidocaine. This stings then they use a hollow needle that looks like a miniature hole saw which it is . This time it was done in the top of the hip bone . You lay on your side with back vertical then pull knees up as far as possible. You get plenty of lidocaine stings then the doc drills a hole down into the bone marrow with the hole saw like needle. Then another needle goes into the hole saw that grabs a core sample of marrow . Then takes a second sample. These get sent it for analysis . Being a “ bleeder” there was a huge mess on the bed two sheets worth . Once the drilling is done you get bandaged up. Of course you haven’t had any thing to eat or drink for 24 hours. Once done you have a numb rear end I was able to walk out on my own but it sure feels funny . Of course it had to be a cold rainy day if it had been any darker it would have been like walking into frankensteins castle. Well it least I don’t have any electrodes sticking out of my neck. LOL The last one was a groin stick but the doc said that’s not done anymore. . I just hope he got large enough samples as I don’t want this one again soon . I’m sure there are a lot more uncomfortable surgeries. I have add that the hospital people were absolutely the nicest I’ve ever had . That alone took away from the uneasiness about the operation . Now I just hope nothing serious is found .

I’m starved. Time to eat.

Sitting on a numb rear end feels strange
Did some mountain flying with a good friend. Poked around for an elk herd I spotted earlier in the morning and did some box canyon flying. Still smiling.


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Actually yesterday . Called Apple to get iPhone and iPad straightened out two hours later done deal live support person really did a good job almost every time I get an Apple update I have problems . Too many to list here . .

Interesting Amazon issue. I have some 15mm brass rod ordered . Yesterday I went to get mail hoping for 15mm rods. Instead I had a 15 pound chunk of brass bar stock crammed into mail box . Being old and decreed carting a 15 pound bar 1/2 mile home wasn’t fun . I weighed the dang thing 15 pounds . Not a bad guess. Searched Amazon for what to do with it and to see if I was charged for it nothing. Amazon support inhales. To put it mildly . I finally determined I was not charged for it nor for shipping , so what to do with it? Amazon noted just discard it. I’ve had this happen before and Amazon replaces its problem but if supplier make mistakes this this , well too bad for them. It’s up to you to do as you please . There is no marking on the tube container as the wrapping was mostly missing so no supplier could be found no tracking number. Nothing . So anyone need a chunk of brass before I take it up to the metal scrap yard I really don’t want to do that . I thought about making a nice brass hammer. But I haven’t even used any heavy hammer in a long time . Maybe put a couple screws in it and make a beefy door stop that I don’t need either . I had an old bowling ball that got dragged around for years I finally took it to the rifle range and shot it with.300 Win Mag. Nice shot dead center of thumb hole at 50 yds . Not much was left cloud of dust from the core weight and a couple pieces of urathane for recycling lol the brass would not be as easy bullet would probablyvricoshay into next county so dangerous deal . Since I don’t drive ilhave to In list friend to go to met scrap yd. Then id use proceeds for lunch at our favorite lounge . Break even deal.
Well here is an update on this brass bar thing . After a lengthy call to Amazon I finally got a refund offered . Some how what I think happened was someone mis converted units 15 mm was interpreted as 1 1/2 inches . Obviously not the same thing . At least there was a 30 day return. I had a bit of issue convincing Amazon. But they finally said to send it back by UPS. Not my favorite especially as I don’t drive so fortunately my sister does returns often from her work so she took it to UPS they printed the required label and away it went. I received a note that Amazon had agreed to refund the full amount as soon as it was accepted by the seller . That was fine the seller is some place in New York name I never heard of . Then I got a note from Amazon that the amount was being refunded . Then I got an Amazon note saying a 1” bar had been received somewhere . I was going to call but decided not to rock the boat as again they noted the refund amount. Yesterday I got a note saying the refund would be posted to my bank in 7-10 days . For now I’ll just check the bank every day . It’s still not over until. I see the deposit . I’ve kept all the notes and notes from my original phone con as well as other notes .

So to those that responded I offer thanks for responses. They prompted me to pursue this mis step . I don’t think I made the original mistake but my lesson learned I’d be carefull ordering metric stuff. Ironically I was at the Gimley air base when the infamous Gimly glider landed it was a scary thing watching a silent airliner land dead stick You can look up the whole story of the Gimley glider. Again an mis interpretation of metric vs imperial measurement .

Anyway I hope there is a happy end to this mess.
Well here is an update on this brass bar thing . After a lengthy call to Amazon I finally got a refund offered . Some how what I think happened was someone mis converted units 15 mm was interpreted as 1 1/2 inches . Obviously not the same thing . At least there was a 30 day return. I had a bit of issue convincing Amazon. But they finally said to send it back by UPS. Not my favorite especially as I don’t drive so fortunately my sister does returns often from her work so she took it to UPS they printed the required label and away it went. I received a note that Amazon had agreed to refund the full amount as soon as it was accepted by the seller . That was fine the seller is some place in New York name I never heard of . Then I got a note from Amazon that the amount was being refunded . Then I got an Amazon note saying a 1” bar had been received somewhere . I was going to call but decided not to rock the boat as again they noted the refund amount. Yesterday I got a note saying the refund would be posted to my bank in 7-10 days . For now I’ll just check the bank every day . It’s still not over until. I see the deposit . I’ve kept all the notes and notes from my original phone con as well as other notes .

So to those that responded I offer thanks for responses. They prompted me to pursue this mis step . I don’t think I made the original mistake but my lesson learned I’d be carefull ordering metric stuff. Ironically I was at the Gimley air base when the infamous Gimly glider landed it was a scary thing watching a silent airliner land dead stick You can look up the whole story of the Gimley glider. Again an mis interpretation of metric vs imperial measurement .

Anyway I hope there is a happy end to this mess.
Glad you found a solution.

Backing up to your Apple update issue: I recently learned that for best results all devices should be on the latest version of whichever iOS/MacOS that the device will support. In order for things to work harmoniously the systems will look at other devices and assume which version a device is running (don't know why they don't check the version the other device has, but it may be a limitation they can't override or-art of their security). Anyway, I was having issues transferring photos via AirDrop and it was because the iPhone was current but my Mac was not: updated the Mac and all was well.

Best of luck,

Glad you found a solution.

Backing up to your Apple update issue: I recently learned that for best results all devices should be on the latest version of whichever iOS/MacOS that the device will support. In order for things to work harmoniously the systems will look at other devices and assume which version a device is running (don't know why they don't check the version the other device has, but it may be a limitation they can't override or-art of their security). Anyway, I was having issues transferring photos via AirDrop and it was because the iPhone was current but my Mac was not: updated the Mac and all was well.
I’ve noticed similar issues across Apple devices. For example iPad email can be slightly different exact time of delivery as well as slightly differ content. I can usually recognize email on my iPhone and it might be slightly different on iPad email and again a slight difference in lap top computer .

Best of luck,

Well here is an update on this brass bar thing . After a lengthy call to Amazon I finally got a refund offered . Some how what I think happened was someone mis converted units 15 mm was interpreted as 1 1/2 inches . Obviously not the same thing . At least there was a 30 day return. I had a bit of issue convincing Amazon. But they finally said to send it back by UPS. Not my favorite especially as I don’t drive so fortunately my sister does returns often from her work so she took it to UPS they printed the required label and away it went. I received a note that Amazon had agreed to refund the full amount as soon as it was accepted by the seller . That was fine the seller is some place in New York name I never heard of . Then I got a note from Amazon that the amount was being refunded . Then I got an Amazon note saying a 1” bar had been received somewhere . I was going to call but decided not to rock the boat as again they noted the refund amount. Yesterday I got a note saying the refund would be posted to my bank in 7-10 days . For now I’ll just check the bank every day . It’s still not over until. I see the deposit . I’ve kept all the notes and notes from my original phone con as well as other notes .

So to those that responded I offer thanks for responses. They prompted me to pursue this mis step . I don’t think I made the original mistake but my lesson learned I’d be carefull ordering metric stuff. Ironically I was at the Gimley air base when the infamous Gimly glider landed it was a scary thing watching a silent airliner land dead stick You can look up the whole story of the Gimley glider. Again an mis interpretation of metric vs imperial measurement .

Well treatment 2 was Friday all went well
Anyway I hope there is a happy end to this mess. I did some research into how hypodermic needles sent made basically they are ci in strips of various stainless steels then rolled and laser welded in a vacuum . There is a high Tex inspection process the a special grinder forvthe point or cutting edge . I couldn’t find the debut operation. The needle used yesterday was about 3” long and very thin. There was about 2 oz fluid in the syringe it obviously was a hard push as the male nurse had to regroup 3 times . I asked him and he said it was a hard push I forgot to time it but it seemed about 5 minutes . So far no side effects I seem more hungry than usual about opposite of expected very tired later in he day . 4 more to go of course I get a ful blood test befor the infusion
Eel I finally got a refund in the bank from Amazon. I still don’t know how the mistake occurred as I noted I YHINK it was an mis reading of measuring systems but it’s over and done with thank goodness .
Anyway thanks again to those that conversed about it.
Still clearing weeds from the flower beds. Most of them just pull out, but I still have to dig the soil to get rid of as much weed growth as I can. Today I pulled a weed out that was over three feet tall. It has many friends!
Today I opened my box of 3mm she’s upside down. What a mess. It took 2 hours to sort them out . I’m not even 100% sure I got all back in proper slots I’m going to think about a sorting measuring device I almost just tossed them and ordered a replacement set. Being hard head and cheap skate I sorted them a coupe hundred total. Lesson learned look before you open small screw boxes . Ended up taking nap when I was done . It was such a good day the Amazon refund was found, medications all organized for two weeks locked login at health center fixed password fixed at oncology clinic. My sister picked up a few groceries for me. So overall a very good day.
Going out to late daughter grave site to spread late son ashes today Probably the hardest thing parents have to do.
Decided to make a few Tap Handles for 2mm, 2.5mm and 3mm taps

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Very nice, I’m envious I have a whole tray of tiny metric screws to install I have a more or less standard handle but it’s shaky at best . My med thing leaves me with lest than steady hand. I have a metric tap and drill guide but it’s gone hiding on me.

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