Dean, I made a fe springs in the shop too much as you are doing. The shop had a brand new Hardinge tool room lathe with all the options . It was a fun lathe to run as it had a lot of power for a relatively small machine but was super precision . I used music wire I cot from a piano shop or store larger wirecwasctoughvtobwind and if you pushed too far when it broke it made a terrible mess . Especially if it was very long .
Noting your cameras I have a Leica 3C with a removable lense it has a 1000// shutter speed which was why I got it. I took a lot of black and white pictures with it. 35mm film was expensive and even more so with printed pictures. The camera has been lost and found in moves over the years . I don’t know exactly where it is now after the last move . I had a clip on light meter that still worked up untill the last move . I took so nes stop action shots years ago with it . I have another camera with a longer lense but it’s missing now too . I’ve been offered a bunch for $ for both of them but about that time they go missing .LOL. I’d like to see how automotive coil springs are made Think they are made in annealed state then hardened .
That's awesome!
And how timely. You have any tricks on making Compression springs? I need some for a prosthetic thing I'm doing now. I have ordered a bunch of different springs, but having trouble finding what I need. They need to be .240 by .375 long and have a compression load of 5 to 6lbs. Any Ideas.