Maybe too late to affect this job... but anyway...
All "modern" countries have codes for "dangerous" things like steam boilers under pressure. Including your model boiler.
If less than 3 bar-litres, then it comes under some "small boiler" limits in many countries.
I suspect it exceeds that. (Total volume multiplied by pressure).
So, for YOUR safety, as well as anyone else who may come close to the boiler, it is well worth following a few tips.
Be sure the "welder" is skilled in the materials and welding you are asking him to perform. He will understand the weld preparations (sizes, angles, etc) as well as appropriate current voltage etc. set-up to do the job.
Similarly for silver soldering. You NEED to use the correct solder, pre-cleaning process, soldering process, etc. and not just "give it a bash".
Then when repaired or modified you really should get it properly tested and certified.
As you are in the US of A the ASME codes are readily available, and I would recommend you buy a copy of "Live Steam and Outdoor Railroading" magazine - Nov/Dec 2006 edition. Available on-line from the publisher (Village Press) for a few dollars. Well worth following the guidance in the "Safety of Copper Boilers" article by Kozo Hiraoka.
Remember, in your own "back yard" you can drive anything at any speed, but on the public roads you must have a safe vehicle, a licence and insurance, and drive safely within the law... - It is common sense.
Stay safe,