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Ive been drinking the stuff without sugar for the last two days, Tastes bloody Orable :toilet:

You have to have something to give you a bit of a light at the end of the tunnel, otherwise you will start to crave for it, and you may succumb to the odd choccy bar or ten.

When I was diagnosed, I just switched over to artificial sweeteners straight away (the ones I use are called Sweetex, about 1 pound for a couple of hundred doses). Once you get used to the slightly different taste, no more sugar craving. I also use the powdered stuff on my cereals in the morning. Now, I can't stand the taste of real sugar, it is just too sweet.

Even though my house is full of choccy bars and sweets, for when we have visitors, I might have one very small bar about once a fortnight, as a treat for being so good. Don't for goodness sake buy anything that says DIABETIC on it, not only does it taste like crap, it doesn't do you much good either.

BTW, nice chatting to you on Skype.


Hi John
I thoroughly enjoyed our chat on Skype today and it makes me wonder why Ive left that old webcam and mike sit in the cupboard for the last 10 years and I invite others to add me.
you do know I tend to put off things don't you :hDe:
Well its set up now and much to my amazement it works :big:
I had a lazy afternoon today and only drilled and tapped the pump mounting holes then I did a mock up just for fun ;D
A little more work on the distributor today, the only remaining things to do on the Distributor being the pin which times the rotor button which will be done when I'm timing the ignition and valves before an attempt at start up is made and the bit of thin spring steel that holds the Cap on, this is riveted on the end of the brass post that can be seen under the Distributor.
I just realised the pin can be installed anywhere as the gear is on a taper :noidea:
Had a little win today, first my wife went out and as if that was not good enough then I found where she hides her sewing needles. I found the perfect one for my mixture needle, screwed the nob almost all the way in and soldered in the needle.
I had been worried about soldering the whole thing together but with a twist from a pair of pliers all was good.
That was so successful I turned up a fuel nozzle for a good result ;D
I turned up the dipstick today in the 3 jaw but moved to the mill to do the 6 outer holes in the lower housing, In the pic I have turned the convex cowl and am ready to part off. This part is on the plans as 11/32 (.34375) which is an obvious error, I turned mine up about .675 which is not too far off the mark I recon for the OD which should be just under the .75 of the lower housing.
I left the knurl wider then the stated .09375 as I did not want to lose the nice detail.
I decided to remake the water inlet out of alli today as the brass just did not look right.
Much happier with it now and it ecoes the outlet shape nicly.
Hi Pete

Still following your build progress from Paris albeit without seeing the photos. Believe it or not Photobucket and also Utube are blocked here at the hotel I am staying at!! :mad: Can't wait to get back home and see the photos.

Hi Vince
It seems to be coming together well now and once bez pours mea set of pistons, im hoping for a burst of energy to take me over the finsh line. He can not do a pour with it raining but Its getting closer :big:
I was able to pick up a old brake Banjo fitting off a mini bike today that i may use for the oil pump connection to the sump and started fitting the ignition points to the timing cover.
I made the cover mounting holes the same spacing as the points so they bolt straight on, but I did have to make another much larger points Cam complete with oil thrower.
I started work on the oil plumbing today by cutting of the Banjo tail from the brake line and drilling the hole in the sump.
unfortunately the bolt is too short so I will have to get some brass hex and make one.
Moving along really well Pete! :bow:

Still trying to get my SB put back together and work has been nuts !

I'll get back on the Wallaby in a bit.


Thanks Dave
This arvo i made up a longer Banjo bolt from a Stainless Steel bolt I had lying around and threaded it 1/8 gas to suit the internal right angle fitting after drilling.
I have hit a bit of a snag now as something is hitting the Sump fitting and I can not turn the engine over a complete revolution and my nice stand fowls the Banjo as well. With any luck I should be able to mill a bit off the fitting and have a play with the stand tomorrow.
I knew I should have taken the easy way out and threaded directly into the Sump, its looking better by the second . :big:
Don't feel too bad, Pete. I run into these problems all the time. I get just about done with an engine and find out it won't turn over because the connecting rod is banging into the lower skirt of the cylinder or some foolish thing.

The engine looks real nice. The distributor and rotor are particularly interesting to me. I'll sure be interested in seeing and hearing it run.

Hi Chuck
Thanks for the drop in :)
I think the ignition is interesting too as the points run at double the speed of the distributor and so can be timed to spark when number one makes contact and again in 90 degrees for number two.
If I have too much trouble with that right angle fitting in the sump, I think ill drill the hole in the sump bigger and put a threaded steel sleeve in with a protruding filter. That may increase the oil capacity a bit and its one less thing to go wrong.
Hi Pete

Finally I am back home and can now see the pictures of your progress. Really looking good.

Wellcome back Vince
I'm glad you like it Mate, it got so quiet here for a while I was beginning to think no one did :big:
metalmad said:
I was beginning to think no one did :big:
Don't worry, this is one of my favorite treads to follow, i just haven't commented on it before.
Being from a non-English speaking country, sometimes makes it harder to express yourself the way you want to.
While i am at it: Great work!
Hi Holt
Thank you very much for your support Buddy
Ive been a little crook lately and A little pat on the back really helps to get me over the finish line Thm:

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