Strange luck, yesterday I bought a hydrogen-generator used for soldering, heating, etc..
Its a machine built back 1980 in Germany made by the company Mig-O-Mat:
Very massive unit, weights around 40kg and needs a power supply of 230V by a max. power consumtion of 1,8kVA.
Opened case, there is not much in it:
On the left, there is the transformator, it has a maximum output of around 300Apms at 5,5V, below is the step-switch to select the different windings of the transformator.
On top, in the middle, is the gas reactor, contains caustic potash solution (needs to be refuled with distilled water)...right above of it sits a pressure switch, which limits the gas pressure to 350mbar (ca. 5psi)
Below is the massive selenium rectifier..
Top of the Casing:
The hydrogen/oxygen comes in on the left side and is channeled trough a water separator, then a pressure gauge, and finaly the "booster", which contains methanole and a little amount of borax. The gas bubbles trough this liquid, which helps to make the flame a little bit softer and visible, afterwards, it goes to the torch.
The flame produced by hydrogen and oxygen is incredible hot and focused, with a 1mm long flame, i can burn a hole through 0,5mm steel...its awesome for small silver soldering work...
Its also relative safe, as there is no gas storaged, only the amount between the reactor and the work I had backfire one of those units, it was relative loud, you are scared to hell, and the hose was shredded a bit..but no "bomb".
Off course, I also have a video of it in action:
Just burning down a 1mm piano wire..
Its a machine built back 1980 in Germany made by the company Mig-O-Mat:
Very massive unit, weights around 40kg and needs a power supply of 230V by a max. power consumtion of 1,8kVA.
Opened case, there is not much in it:
On the left, there is the transformator, it has a maximum output of around 300Apms at 5,5V, below is the step-switch to select the different windings of the transformator.
On top, in the middle, is the gas reactor, contains caustic potash solution (needs to be refuled with distilled water)...right above of it sits a pressure switch, which limits the gas pressure to 350mbar (ca. 5psi)
Below is the massive selenium rectifier..
Top of the Casing:
The hydrogen/oxygen comes in on the left side and is channeled trough a water separator, then a pressure gauge, and finaly the "booster", which contains methanole and a little amount of borax. The gas bubbles trough this liquid, which helps to make the flame a little bit softer and visible, afterwards, it goes to the torch.
The flame produced by hydrogen and oxygen is incredible hot and focused, with a 1mm long flame, i can burn a hole through 0,5mm steel...its awesome for small silver soldering work...
Its also relative safe, as there is no gas storaged, only the amount between the reactor and the work I had backfire one of those units, it was relative loud, you are scared to hell, and the hose was shredded a bit..but no "bomb".
Off course, I also have a video of it in action:
Just burning down a 1mm piano wire..