Well-Known Member
Herb do you think you will get any moisture from Ira?
I believe I'm home free for this year. The snow is finally gone. There wasn't nearly as much flooding as was expected because of the very gradual melt thru April, colder than average nighttime temperatures, and no major rain storms. It is still cooler than normal temperatures for this time of year, but I think any flood danger is past, thank God. I will completely drain the gasoline from my generator engine's tank, then start it up and let it burn out any remaining fuel in the system before shutting down the ignition switch. The battery has been kept fully charged, so I will put the generator away in my shed and leave it there until next spring. Probably start it up about every 3 or 4 months and run for 10 or 15 minutes. Now all we need is some nice warm weather to help us forget what a long cold winter it was.
House is heated by natural gas. When we first moved here 14 years ago it was electric furnace, but after 8 years of gas bills over $1000 per month during the winter we switched to natural gas. The house is about 2200 sq. feet on one floor, and the heating cost dropped about 40% going from electricity to natural gas.
The long range weather forecast is calling for the next 10 days to be mostly rain. That's not a big deal here now, since all the snow has melted and mostly run off to creeks, rivers, etcetera. On one hand, we need the rain to green up our lawns, which are mostly brown after spending the winter submerged beneath a lot of snow. On the other hand, my arthritis is killing me right now. It's a lot like having a toothache in your entire body!! It doesn't hurt if you are setting still, but Oh Man--when you go to stand up or move around, you sure realize quickly that you have arms and legs and hips. Especially if you drive somewhere and set in the car for an hour. When you go to get out of the car and stand up, man, it HURTS!!! I take Celebrex regularly, and it does help a lot, but in this extra damp rainy weather, its not all that effective. Oh well, old mans pains and whines.--At least I survived the big spring melt. Now if we can just get some hot dry weather, I will feel like a 17 year old again!!!---Brian