I run the code today, being new to cnc and a bit nerves, i for got to lower the feed speeds in mach3
The holes drilled fine and the tool change was ok ( a bit more on this latter) then I had to change to the 1/8th milling cutter, this is where the feed became to fast
The spindle cam down to fast and hit the top of the stock just hard enough to make the stepper loose its place, I hit the stop button in mach3
I then realised I forgot to lower the speed
So I set the speed over ride down to 25% and because the X,Y axis was still in the right place I reset the Z o 0 on top of stock and set mach3 to run from the 1/8 tool change
This worked out ok, except that the stock must have moved down slightly when hit with the Z axis, anyway the program run with out any problems until i cam to the tool change for the 1/16, I don't have a 1/16 mill so I used a 2mm instead , next problem the z came down and seem to go full depth of the cutter and it broke (bummer)
All tools were set to the same length so that end of tool would be 0 on top of stock
It seems to me that on the tool change the Z wants to move up around 3.5 inches, not sure if thats been set in the code, I assume it is
So I am wondering if the z height for the tool change can be set at around 1 or 1.5 inches, not sure if it is posible to do this in mach3 or it can only be done in the code before post processing
It was a good learning curve regardless of breaking a new cutter (lucky it was a cheap chines one)
Will give it another go when I get a new milling cutter
This was as far as I got, time to go to work will try again