I was wrong, checked the run out again this morning and to be fair you could see it by eye .............. it was miles off .......... about 3/4mm (30thou +) .................. no idea how I managed to measure almost no run out last night, either the drill rod I used was "happily" bent the correct amount or mi' old eyes just had had enough ???
Anyway, obviously that amount of run out is not "good" ???
Sorry if this is simple stuff gang, but when I was looking to start up again a few months back "simple stuff" was hard to find, so if this helps at least one new convert then I think it's worth while.
There was something fundamental wrong somewhere, after much soul searching, chastising the chuck, (with words your unlikely to hear in Church) and of course (for the Monty Python Fans) beating it with a twig ;D eventually I realised the backplate was not screwing completely onto the spindle :wall: ............. that would be not "registering" I believe ....... :fan:
OK Toys were out of the window by this stage, for Gawd's sake if I can't get a chuck to fit how an I ever going to rival some of the wonderful creations on here ............ so short version ...........
Bored out the backplate register by about (almost nothing), backplate then screwed on correctly, refaced it ........ to the tune of "Swoosh".Swoosh","Swoosh" ........... godammit how far out was that ??? ............... back to yesterday's stage of taking a nad's at a time off the spigot till I felt it was a good fit, eventually got the dam thing with a maximum runout at about .11mm (3thou) .......... and then thought ............. I can improve on this

............. famous last words ............. next skim gave nearly 7thou run out

............ at this stage I'm thinking of taking up flower arranging
Back to the drawing board, light skim of everything, and I mean light, wire wool might have taken more off ........... clean all the mating surfaces and blow off with an air line, bolt on chuck, still tight and needs to be pulled up with the mounting bolts ............ (don't even ask about separating it by the way) still 6thou run out ........... unbolt, rotate 60degrees, re-tighten etc ........... 6 thou out .............. and once more ...............
It's a metric gauge and I make that "pretty good" ;D a nad's over 0.1mm or around about 1/2thou; anyway, I'm just pleased I've sorted it at bloomin last ;D
At last ........... I'm a happy bunny again .............. on with the show ............. (really I'm off for a lie down), I've got a 5" 4jaw to deal with yet :