No problem I'll waft the bottom off on the grinder and throw it in the truck tomorrow so i will have it at Warwick, if I don't do that I'll forget it.
That holder you pointed out is the 100 series holder and is a tad small at 2-1/2" you will probably be better off with the 200 series
I might even have one of these sets somewhere brand new in a box, Stuff tends to breed during winter because of the dark nights.
I can remember buying one for a CNC conversion but finished up using a 6 station rotary changer, give me a couple of days to get the grey matter in place, it gets harder.
True story,
About two years ago this truck pulls up and the driver says I have a lathe for you.
"Where from?"
"From our depot"
"No I mean where has the lathe come from ? "
"Dunno, just told to deliver it here"
So went out and there is this old Myford ML7 on a big steel stand made out of a electrical junction box, I mean a BIG junction box. So lifted it off, nothing to sign, no paper work and truck leaves.
I think s??t I can't remember buying that, close look and it basically worn out but I don't restore machines so it can't be a job. Cut the stand up for scrap and throw the lathe in the Jabba so it must still be in there ?? ?????
Bought a Denford CNC off ebay the other month, the picture clearly shown it standing on a patch of floor about 10 foot square.
When I get it home some bastard had pinched the 10 foot square of floor 'cause I can't find it, now I'm struggling for somewhere to put it.