I got inspired this morning to do some more work on the minilathe. When I did the original mods some time ago I had added a spacer on the cross slide screw to allow me to move the toolpost further out from center. This worked to a degree, but the outward movement was still limited by length of the channel in which the cross slide nut travelled. So, I took it all apart this morning and cut out another 1.25" which has added another inch of outward travel.
I used a 1/2" roughing end mill for the task. Now the lathe is all back together and ready to work.
Here are the attachments I have for the lathe at this time. There is some repetition from earlier posts.
First is the 1/2" too holder. I need to replace the set screws with socket head cap screws...
And here is the diamond or tangential tool holder I made.
This is the compound I made which takes carbide insert and fits on my quick change tool post.
It occurred to me today that I could simply cut a shelf and dill and tap a clamping screw holder on the other side to hold a second carbide insert and I would have a reversible compound. Think that 's going to be next on my list.
This is a small milling attachmet I had made a number of years ago for my Logan lathe Here I've made some modifications so it fits on the cross slide of my mini lathe. Mount this does require removing my QCTP since this mounts directly on the cross slide.
This is a 4", 3 jaw chuck I can mount on the lathe. The steel ring with set screws around the back of the chuck let's me adjust run out to near zero.
And this is a small, 25,000 RPM AC/DC motor with a Jacops #0 chuck mounted on it. I can use it to drill small holes and mount various dremel bits for grind, cutting, etc. I use a variac to vary the speed on it.
The motor is an Ameteck vacuum cleaner power head motor. Despite the fact that it has a plastic housing, it's powerful and has a ball bearing race on the working end with a bronze sleeve bearing on the back end. These are available on Ebay for pretty reasonable cost...