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I was thinking about that .00025" run out in the camlock taper and decided to check the bearing shoulder I was using to run against the V- block. It's out 00025" so it's not the taper. That shoulder is a non issue as far as seating the bearing but moved the spindle in and out throwing off my measurement.

I pulled the races back out of the headstock on the 8K yesterday and scraped any dings I made in the shoulder lip to get ready for the p5's. I still have some other prep work to do as far as the oiling goes. I want to get the races in, set a bearing in on the chuck side, bolt the flange on and see how much oil it holds before overflowing. I know the flange is even with the middle of the bottom roller on the chuck side, right on per Timkin, so oil level can get no higher before running out on the bench. On the pulley side there is no oil escape at that height so I may drill one in the flange. Also waiting for the tubing to press the bearing on the chuck side.
Today I cleaned the *** P5'S and found no dirt, specs of metal etc. Just storage oil. These bearings are so much smoother the noise is a third of the standard bearings when you rotate them and nice straight lines of reflection in the races. Now I know where the Z comes from in ZNL.:p



Finished fitting my NOS Mitutoyu (# 102-226) in an old B&S Case I got for $20.00, sure beats that crème colored plastic case! That's the kind of case it should have come with, I don't think there's too many trees to log in Japan so lumber is probably high. On the other hand B&S uses Mahogany (Swiss products) and the price shows it, good stuff though.
Could have got the felt a little tighter on the bottom but somebody glued the foam in without using it as a template!;D
I'll just run a bead of green paint around so the wood doesn't stick out like a new haircut.

Here's some other mics. waiting for me to finish restoring. Four I got for $10.00. apiece. The Starrettt 230, JT Slocumb, Central tool, and Reed Small Tool Works. The Union Tool I've had for a long time stuck in a drawer. The Etalon was more but not much. They're all going into my collection. The Central Tool was the best $10.00 mic. I ever bought. It's just like the Starrett 230 .001" with a lever lock. I have a Starrett 230 I use but .0001" .
I almost forgot the 1941 Lufkin, needs more work, the spindle's still a little tight.
Forgot the Starrett #2



Awe Hell I just took another picture with the Lufkin and Starrett # 2

I still have the TESA case to poly, the mic. is done. The Swiss use hidden hinges on their cases, no screws, that's how you can tell it's Swiss. George wore the edges off the top of the case , said he really liked that mic. so it got a new top & bottom.
Going to slip the bearing races in the 8K tomorrow so I can get going on that.

I was just looking at the mics hanging there and realized the Central Tool is .0001". That really makes it the best $10.00 mic I ever bought!
"It Feels like Dejavu all over again" A quote from Famous baseball legend Yogi Berra. That's how it felt pulling the races out of the 8K and pressing the new ones in. For anybody not following this thread the new standard races were junk so in goes *** P5's.


If you liked that Yogi quote hears a couple more, if you didn't surf to the next channel.

"I never said most of the things I said"

" Half the lies they tell about me aren't true"

"Little league baseball is a very good thing because it keeps the parents off the streets"*knuppel2*
The swarf guard is on the new spindle, The camlocks are out of the old, The tube is cut to length to press on the outer bearing. I need to square the ends of the tubing and get a couple big honk'in washers. I also checked oil volume in the bottom of the bearing housing, about 2-2.5 ml. before it starts to run out.
The tubing is perfect, with the journals taped up the tubing centers on the journals and bearings.



Yogi was the best for quotes. :D

Nice work on all your equipment. What would you use to remove small spots of surface rust on micrometers?

It depends on the type of surface. Sometimes just a toothbrush and alcohol while I'm cleaning it, sometimes a toothbrush & oil. If the surface doesn't scratch with a brass wire brush & alcohol or oil, or dry. Watch out for chrome, a brass brush will scratch it, use chrome cleaner and fine steel wool or a scrubby. I'm mainly talking about the thimble & spindle. If the thimble won't clean up I paint it with black enamel. The frame is another story, If it's satin sometimes you can use the brass but test it someplace, if you make a shiny spot in the middle of your satin frame it might look worse than a rust spot. Usually on a satin frame for a rust spot, a grind mark, an etching I'll fill over it with testers silver, looks better than a grind mark. I should get some satin enamel.
Painted frames are the easiest, I just repaint except for the Etalon. The Tesa came out ok but the thimble just won't clean, I'll probably paint it black. It's going in a display case and most people looking at it won't know the difference. It spent many years at GE with George as his favorite mic. so it deserves to be shined up in it's retirement. I even rebuilt the worn out case but not to original, Just to save it. I think the Swiss cases are worth it. Funny thing of all the Swiss cases I've got this was the only one without natural wood on top & bottom. The rest is wood with dovetailed joints. It has birch ply top and bottom now so maybe it's better than OEM?
Here's one of my hand crafted cases, I enjoy woodworking too. Now that I'm fully unemployed these projects are gaining momentum. I have a piece of mahogany calling me along with the 8K. I need to square the ends of that tubing so it presses squarely on the bearing. I'll have to do it with an angle grinder and a Starrett square then smooth it with a file.


So which project got your attention today, the piece of mahogany or the 8K?

Wishing you the best of luck with the bearing installation.

I saw a webpage that has a 8K cnc conversion in progress. No detailed pics of the cnc conversion parts but there is a link at the bottom of the page with the prints they used for the stepper motor mounts. They are trying to run a ball screw down the middle of the bed so they can still use the lead screw manually. It should be possible but the ball nut mounting will be the difficult part. It seems to be a project at a technical college.
So which project got your attention today, the piece of mahogany or the 8K?

Wishing you the best of luck with the bearing installation.

I saw a webpage that has a 8K cnc conversion in progress. No detailed pics of the cnc conversion parts but there is a link at the bottom of the page with the prints they used for the stepper motor mounts. They are trying to run a ball screw down the middle of the bed so they can still use the lead screw manually. It should be possible but the ball nut mounting will be the difficult part. It seems to be a project at a technical college.

The 8K, I trued up the ends of the tubing the old fashioned way, by hand, a few minutes work on a lathe took quite awhile, of course I was soaking up the sun at the same time. Tomorrow I'll clean out the holes in the spindle nose one more time and see how the camlocks fit, maybe press on the outer bearing.
The mahogany I just have to cut down the middle and let it sit for awhile and release any stress before I plane it flat.
I think Wabeco's CNC conversion would fit the 8K.
Yogi was the best for quotes. :D

If you don't know Maine, it's accent or type of humor you won't get this:

A man in a fancy car from Jersey drives up to an old man sitting on a porch in a rocking chair smoking a pipe and says " Hey Buddy, how do you get to Bar Harbor?" The old man rocks and puffs for awhile and says " Welllllll, howd,ja know my name was Buddy?" The man in the fancy car says: " Where I'm from I'm considered pretty smart (laughing).
The old man rocks and puffs for awhile longer and says: " Wellllll, if ya so smaaat, you can find you own way to Baa Haaba"!

What do you want for 4 AM!:p
Hahahaha... Yup, it's best with the Maine accent. :)

Thanks for the input on the rust. And, that's a fine looking case you've made. Is that a telescope inside?
