For sale tapper attachment I purchased this in 1971 new from South Bend used very little $500.00 plus boxing and shipping on Ebay cost Machinist Tools: South Bend 9 Taper Attachment | eBay
Follower Rest purchased new in 1984 for a 10K but covered to 9 south like new $250.00
They are both the same but just change the height and can covered back!&&p=04d5...kPTM5YzYwZGZiNmY1MzExZWVhYWZlYTljNTk3ODc0Yjlk
American made Aloris AXA tool post with 5 holders $480.00 purchased new in 1984 fits both 9 and 10K can fit other lathes too.
Boxing 10.00 free if pickup
Plus cost of FedEx from 93612 Clovis California on Shaw and Peach
Plus Donation to this site too
OBO on lot
Note I steady rest too but not for sale till the lathe sells.
I would sell the lathe here but cost of shipping is great but on Craigslist $1,550 plus the cost of steady rest
note I am down sizing to a 7" lathe in case have move a lathe under 100 pounds.
Follower Rest purchased new in 1984 for a 10K but covered to 9 south like new $250.00
They are both the same but just change the height and can covered back!&&p=04d5...kPTM5YzYwZGZiNmY1MzExZWVhYWZlYTljNTk3ODc0Yjlk
American made Aloris AXA tool post with 5 holders $480.00 purchased new in 1984 fits both 9 and 10K can fit other lathes too.
Boxing 10.00 free if pickup
Plus cost of FedEx from 93612 Clovis California on Shaw and Peach
Plus Donation to this site too
OBO on lot
Note I steady rest too but not for sale till the lathe sells.
I would sell the lathe here but cost of shipping is great but on Craigslist $1,550 plus the cost of steady rest
note I am down sizing to a 7" lathe in case have move a lathe under 100 pounds.

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