My apologies for wasting anyone's time! :-[ I appreciate the attempts to help me out, in spite of myself..
No manual at all!! and the board only says Shopware machines inc,, and SMI5100-04 the original company SMI is LONG gone as a result of the originator passing away..
I've bugged the crap out of the Shop teacher, that was scrapping the unit :

< lucky he's my Bud > seems the school went through a "throw the baby out with the water" phase.. where they were updating computers and did a clean sweep while everyone was gone during a summer?? Their IT guy was instructed to get rid of everything old and no concern was given to practical uses of anything down the road??
I've had a friend from one of the other forums I'm on.. and who is an elctronics guy by profession.. he suggests I sit down and MAP the board and connections.. researching each chip,diode, resistor and whatnot to see if we can make sense of what's there.
as hopeless as I seem to some, I'm actually learning a Bunch as I go! even if it becomes a gut and refit, the process is interesting to me.
figure it as a Stop learning, start rotting sort of thing??? Part of the problem I see, is ( other than I don't know what i'm doing) is I don't know how to ask the right questions.. or at least put it into some sort of "Tech Speak"
I have appreciated everyone's Help , while I fumble along with this.
Respect Always