YES!!! My bandsaw blade arrived today and after installing it I roughed out two pieces of hardwood to become adapters for my sandblaster gloves.

Brian, I am in the same situation where my mind tells me to continue, but my body tells me to stop.Once again I have worked up to the point where my body is yelling STOP and okay,
I have the Princess auto sandblast cabinet, I got it on sale though, so cheaper than current pricing.Today was "add a light day". Yesterday I went to Busy-Bee Tools and they didn't have anything. Next I went to Princess Auto, and they had what I needed for $62 including tax. After much haggling and whining, I bought a light kit and wall transformer for $42.00. Then today I spent another $14 on various electrical things to hook up the light. Now I'm in trouble---My overall price has zoomed up to $245.00. This is still considerably cheaper than most sandblasters that are for sale at retail outlets, but Princess Auto has a complete sandblaster for just under $226. I have no idea about the quality of this sandblaster, but it is cheaper than what I've managed to put together.---But I have been having fun!!!