Well-Known Member
Thank you, Rich. I've also sent off a query to the Jersey Boys.
I’m currently on the road, but it sure seems like I had plans for the copperhead somewhere. Beyond my abilities or patience, but I kept them anyway, because, well…. All things mechanical, right?
John W
And as for the de Waal roller, sarel, it looks remarkably like the Bill Harris model.
Sorry, no love so far. I still have a bunch of archived files on DVDs to check, but it wasn’t in my library or computer hard drive.Hey! That's terrific--if you still have them, of course....
How can I obtain them from you?
Sorry, no love so far. I still have a bunch of archived files on DVDs to check, but it wasn’t in my library or computer hard drive.
I’ll dig into those DVDs this week after my company leaves.
John W
Sorry Pard, no luck. If I had them, they’re long gone I’m afraid, perhaps I got it confused with my Rudy construction books with the traction engine. I’ll keep looking through the rest of my library, but the common places have proven to be a dry hole.Thank you for taking the trouble, John. I'm keeping my fingers crossed....
You bet!Darn!
You know, this is something that may never surface again, and that's a shame, because that roller deserves to be built.
Thanks again for looking, and if it ever does turn up, please let me know.