The frames are progressing nicely.
Still have to drill and cut the second side, and make the outer bearing support.
And no broken milling bits (knock on wood) so far.
I have gotten better about trimming the pieces close to final size in the cutoff saw, and then making one or two light cuts with the mill to final size. There is an art to rough cutting and leaving just enough to finish off to final size.
I use to try and cut way too much in the milling machine, and the lathe too for that matter.
The angle for the frames is a good grade of mild steel, and very nice to cut.
Some steel can be on the tough side, depending on exactly what grade you get.
The method I am using is laying out holes where the radius in the frame are, and then drilling hole with a pilot and then a 1" drill bit. You need lots of cutting oil on those drill bits, and lots of ventilation, since the cutting oil lays out clouds of smoke.
One the holes are drilled, it is back to the cutoff saw to cut up to the edge of the holes, leaving a little extra. You have to hand-guide the cuttoff saw just before it breaks through to the edge of the round hole, else the blade will hit the side of the round hole and jam.
Then on to the mill, where the edges get cleaned up with a large long straight bit.
A little bit of de-burring is required between steps, with a file, to keep the razor sharp edged down to a minimum.