Hi Folks
Well it feels an awful long while since I built my first engine here back in the spring. My "living list" of tasks that needed doing around the place has kept me out of the shop for way too long. So now I'm grabbing some much needed shop time and have made a start on my next engine project which is my take on Black85vette's ez2 engine, an engineering refinement on the MaCabe's runner. I'm hoping to build on my ez engine build experience and learn some more good stuff as I progress along with this build and if it's of interest, your very welcome to pull up a chair and join me on my voyage of learning.
My first step was to cut the metal for the frame. I'm using a piece of 3 inch wide steel for the base and the remnants of the 3/4 bar steel stock as used on the ez engine build. I just about had enough left on the bar for the job. Despite my best efforts to minimise waste material by cutting straight I was just a tad short on the last piece but a slight modification to the bell crank pivot assembly should see me through.
Here is the sawn stock laid out roughly in position on the base. In the background you can see my newly crafted pump centre. This should help me in setting up work in the 4-jaw chuck. It was the first time I've cut anything on a taper and it was quite satisfying watching the point come together. I've not put a spring-loaded tail stock end on it yet, (as I didn't have a suitable spring to hand) rather just a centre hole but I can add this later if I need it. My thinking is that if I get the part set up reasonable close by eye first off I shouldn't need it.
Next it was off to the Bridgeport to true up those rough sawn edges. I'd previously spent some time getting the tram right on the mill and was very pleased to make nice square blocks as a result, definitely worth the effort. At some point I'm going to make a duel dial gauge traming tool, a la John Bogstandard's thread on another forum.
Well that's it for this episode.
Well it feels an awful long while since I built my first engine here back in the spring. My "living list" of tasks that needed doing around the place has kept me out of the shop for way too long. So now I'm grabbing some much needed shop time and have made a start on my next engine project which is my take on Black85vette's ez2 engine, an engineering refinement on the MaCabe's runner. I'm hoping to build on my ez engine build experience and learn some more good stuff as I progress along with this build and if it's of interest, your very welcome to pull up a chair and join me on my voyage of learning.
My first step was to cut the metal for the frame. I'm using a piece of 3 inch wide steel for the base and the remnants of the 3/4 bar steel stock as used on the ez engine build. I just about had enough left on the bar for the job. Despite my best efforts to minimise waste material by cutting straight I was just a tad short on the last piece but a slight modification to the bell crank pivot assembly should see me through.
Here is the sawn stock laid out roughly in position on the base. In the background you can see my newly crafted pump centre. This should help me in setting up work in the 4-jaw chuck. It was the first time I've cut anything on a taper and it was quite satisfying watching the point come together. I've not put a spring-loaded tail stock end on it yet, (as I didn't have a suitable spring to hand) rather just a centre hole but I can add this later if I need it. My thinking is that if I get the part set up reasonable close by eye first off I shouldn't need it.
Next it was off to the Bridgeport to true up those rough sawn edges. I'd previously spent some time getting the tram right on the mill and was very pleased to make nice square blocks as a result, definitely worth the effort. At some point I'm going to make a duel dial gauge traming tool, a la John Bogstandard's thread on another forum.
Well that's it for this episode.