I think that also the propeller airplanes can replenish the idea of ​​Heron's Jet Propeller. The latest toy modelers have superior features, and you may use them for "big air ".
Well let us take a small aircraft engine Rotax 447 to 44 Nm of torque. On the axis of the propeller must gear, have twice as large, ie ~ ~ 100 Nm (10 kgm ). Przytakim driving the propeller with a diameter of 1700 mm will be to spin it properly and give the appropriate string.
So at the end of a single turbine on the arm of Heron 's say a length of 500 mm have a string 200N (20 kg), and two shoulders at 100 N (10 kg). Then we were given the same torque on the propeller, which gives the Rotax engine.
After putting two turbines, modeling of over 10 kg (100 N), we get a replacement Rotax engine.
They even have the parameters several times larger than we need for this example.
Well, the weight of the drive unit will be cheaper too many times, what in aviation is crucial
It turns out that we already have a fairly large selection of gas turbine engines such
And of course we have also quite a large number of electric motors to drive the turbines of jet aircraft models, whose parameters are such that we can use them in Heron's propeller well. Their parameters and parameters of the battery used in development Propeller Heron, causes them to become competitive with conventional engines
They can be used in this exemplary model propeller Heron
After viewing a few videos of models turbuny aircraft, I saw that these turbines do not have to be at the end of the model, and may be in the middle, and the aid of additional exhaust pipes just flies out of the model.
From this reason, and my solution also applied this collective pipe, which is separated into 4 and changes the direction of exhaust gas.
Thanks to this, quite seriously improves the design Propellers Heron....
And weight in relation to the Rotax is 10 times less...
So that is similar in other much larger propeller propulsion system also...
Regards Andrew ;D ;D