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Green Engineering in strongbox bank....

Andrew ::)

Is marriage Underground Windmill of Tesla's Turbine is the optimum solution?


several cases that support the solution





Andrew ;D
If you do not want to lose a large diameter fan operating in the Venturi nozzle, you should use " internal Venturi nozzles ".
These are just two cones inside a circular tube
Their convergence must be in accordance with the Bernoulli's principle, just like a normal venturi nozzle. So must be kept laminar flow. But we gain a large diameter fan. Theoretically, the energy gain obtained is 10 times larger in relation to the windmill in a narrow place of the normal venturi nozzle....
Field cross-sections must be changed in the same function as in classical venturi


Andrew ;D
Wind and water have long been a very liked.
So I think that such a solution, consistent with their preferences, will be most effective

It is a Venturi vidmil that drives large enough vane pump with sealing ring via water.
Thanks to such a seal, which is not consumed, and it is tight, you can use all the energy that gives us a venturi nozzle of the vacuum produced.. Because the turbine does not have any leaks.So theoretically, this will be the most efficient use of wind...

We can thus take advantage of the vacuum energy, what we get in other ways to obtain it from the wind.

New "turbine" is Liquid Ring Vaccum Pumps




Regards Andrew ;D
Forged pistons :rolleyes:

And this looks like their production

Andrew ;D

Thanks to the new Heron's Apache we can build a pretty good quality helicopter

When we begin to design a small personal helicopter similar to this:
We see the need to drive to the main rotor diameter of 18 feet (5.5 meter)
We see the need to drive to the main rotor diameter of 18 feet (5.5 meter) and 540 rpm rotational speeds. To achieve such a speed we could use a torque 800 Nm ( ~ 80 kgm ).
Returning now to the Hero 's Apache, we can assume that the torque on the main propeller tubes produce more than us four propeller.
Let's say that in May they long 3.5 feet (1 meter ). So, as at the end of each of those tubes you put the engine that gives us a sequence of 10 N (2 Lbs) values ??(1kg) it will be added to the rotor torque of 10 Nm (1 kgm)
So four of these tubes with motors will give us a 40 Nm (4 kgm).
Now, assuming that our helicopter will be lighter with a big motor, gears and tail rotor, we can assume that he will need to drive only the main rotor diameter of 600 Nm at, say, 16 feet (4.9 m).
So if we placed the total at the end of the tube Heron's Apache silnki of values ??within 600/40 = 15
15 X 2 lbs = 30 lbs of force within, we get has fully functional helicopter....
As it turns out, these motors have already modelers....
Weight engines 8 Kg (14 Lbs)....
http://wn.com/jetkart 10 position video
If you want to build a crane helicopter, use these eight:
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JE4t-o7XY6M]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JE4t-o7XY6M[/ame] :tsk
Or a combination of hybrid electric..
Or Only electric:
40 pcs enought..~~ 40 KW and ful personal electric helicopter

So it happens that good fun can become a good professional...
Regards Andrew ;D
Well, maybe but the full electric version:
These eight electric motors:

Now just: 8 electric motors, ie 2, 3 / 4 Lbs ( 1,35 kg) each battery X 8 pieces = 22Lbs (~ 10 kg) and can fly for 5 minutes. That is 132 lbs ( 66kg ) meringue can fly 30 minutes at full load... Weight of motors is 132 + 16 = 148 lbs (74 kg) fuel + engines.


Weight of the traditional system of propulsion engine of CRE MZ202 is 38 kg, the transmission of about 15 kg, 5 gallons of fuel to the tank about 20 kg, the total weight of 72 kg and the propulsion flight time 1 hour..
When you subtract the tail rotor 20 kg to obtain also a similar range..


Until you can control the direction of these one additional electric motors, administer, only a little smaller.

And this looks like a traditional electric version of the aircraft


Bumblebee Andrew ;D

I have no problems with leaking oil...

I think that also the propeller airplanes can replenish the idea of ​​Heron's Jet Propeller. The latest toy modelers have superior features, and you may use them for "big air ".
Well let us take a small aircraft engine Rotax 447 to 44 Nm of torque. On the axis of the propeller must gear, have twice as large, ie ~ ~ 100 Nm (10 kgm ). Przytakim driving the propeller with a diameter of 1700 mm will be to spin it properly and give the appropriate string.
So at the end of a single turbine on the arm of Heron 's say a length of 500 mm have a string 200N (20 kg), and two shoulders at 100 N (10 kg). Then we were given the same torque on the propeller, which gives the Rotax engine.
After putting two turbines, modeling of over 10 kg (100 N), we get a replacement Rotax engine.
They even have the parameters several times larger than we need for this example.
Well, the weight of the drive unit will be cheaper too many times, what in aviation is crucial

It turns out that we already have a fairly large selection of gas turbine engines such

And of course we have also quite a large number of electric motors to drive the turbines of jet aircraft models, whose parameters are such that we can use them in Heron's propeller well. Their parameters and parameters of the battery used in development Propeller Heron, causes them to become competitive with conventional engines

They can be used in this exemplary model propeller Heron


After viewing a few videos of models turbuny aircraft, I saw that these turbines do not have to be at the end of the model, and may be in the middle, and the aid of additional exhaust pipes just flies out of the model.


From this reason, and my solution also applied this collective pipe, which is separated into 4 and changes the direction of exhaust gas.
Thanks to this, quite seriously improves the design Propellers Heron....


And weight in relation to the Rotax is 10 times less...
So that is similar in other much larger propeller propulsion system also...

Regards Andrew ;D ;D
This is the first contemporary working model turbines Heron.
This photo accessories in my Low Budget Institute:


And this movie works as a turbine


Regards Andrew
;D ;D
Yes, but even here motorcycle without an the traditional engine.......


Andrew ;D
Here, the view from the other side :rolleyes:


pity that the link with the film does not work. but I have downloaded PhotoStream


Andrew :)

Pity that llink is not working. There was a nice movie... anoyher one


Next Percival - it is too Heron
But all helicopters this typy such defects were....

Seems to me that the project Herons Apache version "FEL -X" will not have these disadvantages, and will be missing heavy and very unreliable gear.... :rolleyes:

Andrew ;D
Here are a few solutions that can some of the problems to solve..

Surely you will need to test them in practice, before se makes the right decisions as to the shape of the structure of the drive.
Perhaps such a solution with a single tube might be the most efficient, because it will most laminar flow


Or a Cutter Heron :D


Of course, a whole can be properly enclosed guard areodynamic...


Well, here an example, if the electric drive can also adapt to the helicopter. Turbine itself would be inside the helicopter, but it would not be permanently linked to the rotor, so that no torque moved...


It is air- gear drive ;)

Andrew ;D
A very delicate matter:


Andrew ;D
Hello Andrew,

someone send me a link to your engines, so I'll write a few lines:
@the piston controlled gasexchange engine:
History: This is a copy of a almost identical engine by Henry Royce invented and build about 80 years ago (you'll know his company for aviation technology and luxury cars: Rolls Royce). Some variations of this engines have been build at industrial numbers in Danmark and in the US later, most of them 2-stroke Diesel-Engines, as far as i know.

This design has serious flaws such as:
-bad fuel efficiency, as pistonrings account for majority of mechanical loss
-bad cooling of the strongly heat-stressed outlet piston as outletports do not allow oil-jet cooling of outletpiston
-low compressionratio because hot outletpiston promoting engine knocking
-bad fuel-efficiency because of low compression ratio
-high thermal stress of ouletpiston won't allow durability and high rpm
-lots of maintenance needed as pistonrings sweeping the ports causes massive wear at rings and ringgrooves
-bad emission as lots of lubrication oil is drawn from the inlet-pistonrings and gets burned forming carbon-particulate matter
-massive carbon-buildup at outlet-pistonrings cause enormous additional wear to rings, ringgrooves and cylinderwall
-even worse emissions as lubrication oil is drawn into the exhaust gas from the exhaust-pistonrings, forming half burned carbon-particulate matter in the hot exhaust air and hot exhaustpipe, which are blown out, requiring special filtering
-and so on...

In addition to the already mentioned disadvantages, your "twin Felix" features:
-very difficult sealing, because circumferential contact pressure of seal can't be steady because of sharp edges
-unsteady sealing pressure results in high lubrication oil loss or high wear causing high lubrication oil loss later on
-bad expansion chamber geometry (bigger surface area than cylindrical bore), causing high thermal loss, resulting in bad fuel efficiency
-difficult manufacturing, close and unknown manufacturing tolerances, especially the bore and working piston, resulting in high costs

As you can see, these disadvantages disqualify the engines for applications such as ship engines, cause they need to be highly fuel efficient and of outstanding durability.
In addition to this, big bores and long strokes (which are needed at ships for maximum torque at low rpm) add additional thermal stress to your outletpiston, as the volume (thermal power) rises with higher mathematical power than the surface area.

You appear to have lots of free time. Poland isn't far away from Germany, so why not learn some German-language, so you get access to the numerous German books explaining the most unusual internal combustion engines, such as the famous Riedl...?

Kind regards, Till

Till said:
Hello Andrew,

Kind regards, Till

Hello. Did you know that drove London buses such Royls Royls, and he was very persistent? Theses junk was fairly durable engine. But tp were two stroke. Mine is four stroke and how you want to see how it works, I invite you to Krakow and not have to learn Polish.... You'll see how it works engine, 400 horsepower with 1000 cc displacement at 10,000 rev / min. Certainly what you see and hear you will remember for a lifetime...
Spend only a few euros...

Regards Andrew ;D ;D
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