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Here, the first aircraft with Ram air turbine. Its ME-163 Komet:


And here the story framework:


stuff here alternators produce. At the same time, such as is sufficient to drive the the bicycle. It gives as much power as the guy who races





Now matching jets such dimensions alternator, it will have the characteristics needed to drive the bike (and other vehicles as well).It will have only 600 mm outer diameter ..



If the resistance front will be much smaller than the flat full circle. In laminar flow, may have only 15% of the value of such a flat resistance, as it has air wing profile....

This is a photo of a helicopter engine 400 hp in comparison to my hand. For this engine, only air flows, and its mass generates the power to the motor shaft. Mass of fuel burned is negligible .. If, for example, in a wind tunnel, we will do the same movement entrusted by this engine, as during normal operation in a helicopter, you will be given a power take also the same power. 1 KG air flow gives us the 100 Hp engine PTO shaft ..


I would like to remind my project, called the internal Venturi nozzle. Taking the ratio of change in cross-sectional area, we obtain a nozzle, which has a maximum diameter of the turbine and thus gives the maximum torque greater than the traditional nozzle.


In other forum :

I've got a bit of fiberglass and pvc pipe ine the garage.. What dimensions of venturi would I need to have, for a "windmill" electric generator, if the average windspeed in my area is 10-15 mph?

No thank you, finally, for a very specific question. Because of this specific not yet had my manual is not yet complete. But a few important tips I can already provide, for a good while I'm thinking about it already....


First units 10 and 15 miles is 16 km / h - 24 km / h or 4.5 m / s to 6.75 m / s

Now I think that should do the nozzle of the same size and calculations as in my post 05.29.2013.

Now this: the witrze 15 miles in the throat nozzle of dimensions we will have theoretical speed 167 miles (270 km / h) .. the valve on the power of the fan is due at the speed we can get even theoretically about 20 Hp

to get the power from the electric generator, you must already quite large in size,. I could barely fit for him to die in his throat. and it completely obscured. It must therefore be outside the nozzle and be driven by a toothed belt from the propeller., and this is the biggest problem.

Same cones and these dimensions can all be done the hard styrofoam by cutting the thermal cutting CNC polystyrene. Most important thing is that the external surface of the cone must be round, full, of the 1000 mm dimension. Theses external surface of the throat must have the dimension. So that the air nozzle was skipping necessarily the way to the straight line, otherwise may not have a good performance at all. All these figures are just patterns of cones. The figure pointed to the red line is the nozzle look like on the outside.


Why is it important to air bypassing the nozzle on the outside was the shortest path in a straight line? not because I'm imagining that the venturi nozzle is so very close to collapse like a normal airplane wing over and over. its aerodynamics will surely like this over and over again folded wings. wing and best for low speed is the lower edge of a straight line. here shown theoretically how to wrap the wing sites. Now Lifting force of this wing will also "wrapped" inside, creating a negative pressure in the whole nozzle .....


It's a rough ..

In other forum :
:)[quote name='Wuzak' date='Jun 10 2013, 11:21' post='6310355']
I believe you have Solidworks.

Do you have simulation? I suggest that you test your venturi tube in simulation, and see how the flow works, and how the airflow inside the initial parallel part of the tube does not match the freestream air.

Unfortunately, I was no longer Solidworks for some time .. I Personal Edition 2004, but this version does not support more ... I tried to run a demo in 2012 but received three different serial numbers SW unfortunately no accepted ...
Even so, I'm thinking that the simulation nothing new has been brought to. There is one question that should be answered. Is there an amplifier, which amplifies, without any energy supply from the outside ...
Obviously it is.


Edison applied it to his phonograph. Without a large conical tubes, the phonograph mined only very difficult to hear the sound. after adding the tube pfonograf game quite loud. So there is an amplifier that amplifies, without any external energy supply. Exactly in the same way all the wind instruments amplify sound mouthpiece. Despite the mouthpiece is similar in all instruments, they are depending on the size of reinforcing a particular frequency, the bass tuba to the trumpet. So we have the next examples amplifiers without additional energy from the outside ....
We just reinforces the venturi nozzle, and is arguably, even though it may be one like it, while others are not ..
Also the plane, which is heavier than air can fly, when his wings around a laminar flow. When the parameters are come forth out of the possible formation of his lack causes that the plane drops like a stone to the ground .. Certainly anyone experienced this building a variety of model airplanes, some of which would not fly ... So you need some piety that everything went well.

Therefore, teeth sprite is activated, the air speed gain amplifier in the venturi, laminar flow to keep it. There should be understood that a laminar flow can not have a strong whirled air. An excellent example is a laminar flow in a plane that has the wings of the propeller engines. . Spite of strong turbulence behind the propeller, wing has a laminar flow conditions and wing create lift for the aircraft.

Also in the venturi nozzle, air turbulence on the turbine dynamo driven machine located in the throat nozzle will cause no disturbance of laminar flow resulting from Bernoulli's law

Anyway venturi nozzle is amplified wind speed, without any energy supply from outside.

Andrew: P
Just now I got a nice picture of one of the English forums which publishes ... I guess I was promoted to senior lecturer ... But why is ores men clog ears ??


Well, this a lunatic continuing science, here's the project added to the venturi such an aircraft for flight litte 300 watts of power. Drew a venturi nozzle such as for example for driving a bicycle. I tried to accurately maintain scale drawings and nozzle. The nozzle has a dimension of 600 mm diameter and 2500 mm in length, and should be according to the calculations give the 300 watt ...

You will agree with me that it does not look unreal :rolleyes:


dedal feliks.jpg

Maybe that so few students on this board bought the plane, which is just an old record and added the venturi nozzles, so to show that they can, .. and That Daedalus so he could follow the sun all the time to follow .. without excessive risk of his strength or the fuel runs out ...;)

[quote name='Kelpiecross' post='6313921' date='Jun 13 2013, 11:26']Feliks - maybe you should make a helicopter version - a venturi/RAT assembly on each rotor tip with the electricity generated driving the main rotor motor. The faster the rotor spins - the more power is generated by the venturi/RAT assemblies causing the main rotor to spin ever faster - and so on. You would have to be careful the rotor didn't overspeed - but it's a bloody good idea.[/quote]

You know, I also like the idea .. But is the propeller helicopter vibrations will not fall as a result of the weights on the ends of the propeller? But the speed would be staggering ..

A few houses here do for a small power plant ..


What a joke. 300 times the power output due to venturi? Windmill formula doesn't apply in a duct. You can make up anything you want, only the truth will prevail.

As far as your turbine engine example. Calculate how much energy is released in the fuel before you determine that the fuel is "negligible".

Pseudoscience is the stuff of fake startups and conspiracy theories.
What a joke. 300 times the power output due to venturi? Windmill formula doesn't apply in a duct. You can make up anything you want, only the truth will prevail.

As far as your turbine engine example. Calculate how much energy is released in the fuel before you determine that the fuel is "negligible".

Pseudoscience is the stuff of fake startups and conspiracy theories.

They lay so with understanding, read tings aircraft manuals, the city of divination your uptime in your flight ...

I NEVER wrote that the fuel is not important, so do not put in my mouth, what you did not write ... .

I wrote that the MASS of the fuel is irrelevant in calculating the amount of the mass flow of air through the engine ..

Besides, everyone thinks himself a second, according to.

I see that not paying attention during lectures.:rolleyes:

Andrew: P
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Here, the first success - Ideal working prototype Windmill Red Baron .. Because at the age of 14 years well done flying models, these skills are to this day. Despite the efforts of various forces that my budget was very limited, I made a perfectly working prototype of the "windmill" but it declared its materials $ 20, for up to a budget can now have the .. Balsa, Japanese paper, Cellon paint, some tape and heat shrink ...
But I built a perfectly working prototp, that shows that, however, so you can produce energy according to my idea .. ...





Research carried out in a moving car mate, with bowed glass in the door .... excellent wind tunnel... :rolleyes:

I NEVER wrote that the fuel is not important, so do not put in my mouth, what you did not write ... .

I wrote that the MASS of the fuel is irrelevant in calculating the amount of the mass flow of air through the engine ..

Andrew the energy of the fuel used to create that volume flow is VERY important. How much power is required in fuel to create that output?

And how does this apply to your venturi generator? I'll be waiting for your detailed mathematical explanation.

Your prototype is a nice model but you did not prove anything. How much wind power was converted into useful output from your generator?

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Andrew the energy of the fuel used to create that volume flow is VERY important. How much power is required in fuel to create that output?

And how does this apply to your venturi generator? I'll be waiting for your detailed mathematical explanation.

Your prototype is a nice model but you did not prove anything. How much wind power was converted into useful output from your generator?


Do you realize that you ask Wright Brothers, how far will recommend that for his airplane?
Ask anyone can....
Everything is proved, although you do not like it....

From the 1m example above the first calculation of power output from wind turbine is correct. Your second calculation with the venturi is false.


Wind power available from .79m² (1m diameter) at 5m/s (mass flow 4.8kg/s) is 61W. Using a power coefficient of 0.4 gets the 24W (0.0326HP) in the first example. So explain why if the wind captured by the venturi contains only 61W, this becomes 6928W (9.29HP) by placing the turbine in the venturi?

Your assumptions are false. The flow through such a venturi will not be the free stream velocity x inlet area. Your 6.9kW is actually a calculation of the power required to move 4.8kg/s through D=.3m at 56.2m/s. The proof that the venturi will not flow this volume is right there! Where does the 6.9kW come from when the captured wind only has .061kW available?

Your fundamentals need some brushing up.

This is not to say there is some benefit from using such an arrangement. These are real and the math and data supporting them is validated.


Here provides Excell tables to calculate the curves of internal venturi nozzle. The internal venturi nozzle have the advantage that the turbine blades are placed at a maximum radius in the nozzle, which gives a lot more torque. Also the number of blades is much larger, although their height, in this example, 570 mm, not greater than 12 mm .. But it can be done with plywood modeling ..



in another forum:
[quote name='Tony Matthews' post='6316853' date='Jun 17 2013, 08:16']http://www.gizmag.com/dodgy-wind-turbines/...7e6e92-89800598[/quote]

You know what Tony, the all "innovations" are so unsuccessful and, many of them with no rules, I do not know if this one does not stand still and disseminate the failed "innovation" ..

This is "successful" Innovations
Red Baron windmill ...
Here's a side profile of my prototype. Has a one advantage, it is super durable, like a pyramid, and you can not see that something was moving in


Oh, and as well think of it and human powered aircraft, even without the additional jet can fly alone is enough that he will be the lifting wing basically like my profile ...

Andrew: P
Andrew, have you figured out how to prove your venturi claims yet?
I am locking this thread to prevent further conflicts and flame wars.
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