Getting the power hacksaw running is a bit bigger job than I thought, and I haven't had much free time lately, so I haven't started the camshaft yet. I did manage to get a few hours in the shed today, so I worked on something small just to get something done.
I dug up this bearing plastic leftover from a racecar suspension mod years ago, and banged it into the lathe.
Then it was on to the dividing head on the mill and cut a few slots (worked it out yet?).
Then round the leftover chunks, and drill a few holes.
Some hollowing out on the lathe and it now looks somewhat like a dizzy cap.
I'm not sure if I'll use it or use what I learnt making it to make a nicer one. I'll see if I can smooth it out a bit better, possibly a quick pass under a flame? It does look better than this in the flesh but I still want it nicer.
Maybe I used the wrong sort of plastic. Can anyone suggest a plastic that turns easily and finishes nicely?