bearcar1 said:And don't forget to get a present for Foozer's wife's B'day!! Rof} Rof} Rof}
Funny Funny
She gives me one for dinner and the other for tonight's hopeful, not sure of the order
bearcar1 said:And don't forget to get a present for Foozer's wife's B'day!! Rof} Rof} Rof}
bearcar1 said:And don't forget to get a present for Foozer's wife's B'day!! Rof} Rof} Rof}
DavesWimshurst said:Very nice engine, very useful lessons for the beginners in building small engines.
I bet many of us who started before the net wished we had had such a great support group.
DavesWimshurst said:So you are going to make some special present for your wife now?
shred said:It would be pretty easy for a handy fellow with a lathe and an appropriate threading die to crank one out too
DavesWimshurst said:If there are bulges in the cylinder walls they may show up as shiny spots as the engine gets some more running time on it. Telescoping gauges take practice to ...
Photobucket held everybody hostage to access their photos. There are some work arounds (or there used to be), but in general the Photobucket hosted photos in all web board posts are now just frustration...