Thanks again guy's, for your kind comments.
Kevin, We are using solid works, and I am not sure of any version number.
I wrote my first lathe program after work today, just a simple OD turning from 2-1.5" diameter. I will be bringing the text file to work tomorrow to see what 30HP of lathe spindle can do! Hopefully no crashes, I am told when the lathe crashes, it crashes big.
I have already been given more responsibility, as far as just winging a project along. For instance, yesterday they came to me and said they need a device to take soil samples at least 18" deep. (This is for a much bigger project) They gave me certain parameters, but the design and construction was all up to me. 3 hours, and 6 individual parts later I had the "Soil Liberator". Too bad the ground out back of the shop was frozen, or I would have had a test sample larger than 2" deep ;D. Luckily the ground is thawed at the test site.