My computer ate my homework..Well thats what it feels like.Last night I sat here and composed long reply that answered everybodys questions and thanked everybody for their compliments and then I see that it wasnt posted to the boards- evaporated when I hit POST...SunnyBeachs..
Bore and stroke is 2 inch bore and 2 inch stroke.
I built this because I am getting old and got a couple health issues and didnt take time to have any adventures when I was young..So I am building a steam launch - engine now,next pumps ,then boiler, boat, and boat trailer and then will putt down the Mississippi river. You might notice the upper end parts of same engine in background of the video, that is there because I building spare parts for the engine as I go along, I am serious about this , I hope to go quite a few miles and wear out or break some parts along the way..
This is/was built roughly to the '47 Woodson plans that I got from Joe d right off this group...He is building one that is faithful to the plans....I made mine a twin cylinder rather than single and doubled all the dimensions. At 125 PSI I should be getting 3hp which will push a 20 foot launch to a pleasant 6mph.