No apology needed.
You have shown Us some lovely work which is very much what this site is about and i thank you for that. Keep up the great work, PLEASE.
Cam shaft today. I made it from stressproof so I can harden it. The main shaft will be soft and I will be loctiting it on to the main shaft. The shaft shown is a cutting arbor.
I am using Ron Chernish's CAMCALC program to create the coordinates for the cams .35 base circle with .075 lift, 120 deg for the intake and 130 for the exhaust, and .675" flank radius
I this photo, I am cutting the intake cam. The zero is the peak of the cam and I have marked 60 degrees either side of this for the cam flanks. The index plate is a 60 count (6 degrees) and this was plenty fine enough
I cut the cam with the side of the cutter as I got better results doing that way. Cutting the exhaust cam was very similar as shown.
Once cut I trimmed up the diameters on the lathe and viola...a cam ready to harden and polish.
I would highly recommend Ron's site and his CAMCALC program. Works Great!
Hardened( sort of, files skates on it but not too hard) and polished cam.
I found that the method I used to profile the cam as you may understand makes small facets. This make great indicators for when it's being smoothed and polished with a diamod file. You know how much you need to take off and where.
Top case will lifter holes tapped 5/16 -40 and dipstick/breather 3/8-40