You can listen there is "poof" from cylinder when the glow plug is removed.
No need to make a new cylinder every time it fails. Relap again until the cylinder is parallel. Make a new piston and lap. Try to fit the piston into cylinder until it stop a half way into the cylinder --> Stop, no more lap the piston.
Smear the piston with chrome polishing paste (I am using the Autosol Solvol Chrome Polish) and press light into in the cylinder in same time you are rotating the piston into the cylinder until the piston is stuck in the cylinder. Remove piston from cylinder and clean both piston and cylinder carefully free for polishing paste. Take a test fit and check as i wrote in early post. If the piston do not stop up to TDC, repeat again to lap the piston into cylinder and take a test fit after cleaning is done. Also the cylinder must be tapered created by piston under lapping and the piston feel tight near TDC when you are pushing the piston into the cylinder.
Cylinder of high tensile steel from drive shaft or old wrist pin from piston (must be annealed if to hard to machine the steel, unnecessary to rehardening since alloy steel is hard enough).
Piston of cast iron as you can find in the old cam shaft made of cast iron (the cam is impossible to machine, between cams is soft and machinable) or thick brake disc (without ventilated disc).